7 Bass Riffs Normal People Actually Find Impressive
???? My full beginner bass course: https://yeah.bassbuzz.com/play-something
Whaddaya do when someone says “play me something”? Next time, don’t freeze up – blow their minds with these 7 killer bass riffs
Detailed walkthrough vid for all the riffs – https://youtu.be/ed4a3huV65Y
Full bass tabs and sheet music – https://www.noteflight.com/scores/view/2a119916014696f7f8bc44eeafade8fe3fb17daa
There you are, innocently holding your bass, and somebody puts you on the spot. “Hey, you play bass right? Play me something!”
Some bass shredder licks oughta do it, right? Wrong – normal people are immune to the charms of extreme shreds.
Soooo you try playing a bass line from a popular song, that oughta do it right? But most bass lines that work great in the context of a song sound really boring by themselves.
So what the hell should you play?
I tested dozens of riffs on real people and found the 7 that consistently drop jaws to the floor. In this video, we’ll tackle 7 riffs that will teach you:
– How to impress normies, even as a noob
– What “playing with attitude” actually means
– Defeat muscle fatigue when playing fast riffs
– Sound confident (even if you’re not)
– An easy way to adapt hard riffs for your level
– The nitty gritty details that turn the basic into the bass…sick. I’ll show myself out.
You read all the way through this video description… you must really like bass lessons. Subscribe so you don’t miss the next one – https://yeah.bassbuzz.com/subscribe
#BassBuzz #BeginnerBassRiffs
#Bass #Riffs #Normal #People #Find #Impressive
Originally posted by UCeD9_tDVA1wvqv1IF9QyP-A at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSzg350xIao
What’s your go-to “play me something” riff? ????
feel good inc
hey yo, thank you for all the nice videos. You should also check out more international songs, non-english speaking. Thanks!
Sweet emotion???…Barney Miller theme?(generation gap ????)
Warrant's Cherry Pie has a great bass line…
Anything by Bob Daisley is interesting and cool…
Like The Ultimate Sin by Ozzy…
Try Iron Maiden's "The Trooper"…
How is there no Les Claypool on this list? Tommy the Cat, Mr. Oysterhead, Army's on Ecstasy.
Hysteria slaps so hard
Does it really get any better than Flea? It’s tough to say.
Made me so happy when he pulled out the HM-2????
you forgot Higher Ground!!!
Hollywood nights by Bob Seger and Rio by Duran Duran are a couple of my favorites.
9:40 – I have said for over a decade to anyone I played with or not but are a bassist/guitarist/drummer – they NEED to learn the other instruments at least in a basic form. A guitarist/bassist NEEDS to know 3 months of REAL drumming not IMAGINING a drummer playing there…lol A Drummer needs to learn basic bass to help become a better drummer! Long story less long – – my old system is this: If you are a bassist/guitarist you should learn how to play REAL drums to an average level! That will make you a FAR better bassist/guitarist just from that! I can not explain it to you, you will KNOW what I mean! Vice versa – you drummers – – learn how to play a bass/guitar! It will make you a BETTER drummer! I taught myself keys then bass (rightie played left) then drums then leftie bass played left then rightie played right then guitar. Also how to record all the instruments and edit mix master publish them.
I hope, Cliff Burton's Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth) is number 1???
BTW, your "bad" slap sounded fine, not like the 'album' but it was fine, I am sure someone would be impressed by it…
Step 1: Buy a guitar
Playing the theme from Night Court makes people lose their minds
Listening on my phone, your instrument is on mute????????
However, there are still plenty of very good bass riffs. Let's say I really liked megadeth. and MJ too! But what about KISS. "I Was Made for Lovin' You" This bass riff is not the last either. And it's very simple
I forgot about La Bamba
Most „normies“ I ever met could hardly tell the difference between a bass guitar and a tuba
Jungle Love From Morris Day And The Time????
Drummer here. I always play "I'll Take You There" by the Staples. Its got melody. Its got groove. Its got rhythm!
How did queen not make this list? Lol
Just play intro of Dream Theater’s Panic Attack ????
Thats not David Ellefson playing peace sells, its James MacDonough who played in megadeth a couple of years
If you like the Hysteria Riff (or My Own Summer – Deftones) but aren't quite there yet (like my newbie ass) check out "Out of Tartarus" by Darren Korb from the Hades soundtrack.
Similar vibe, bit more manageable!
I actually get a lot of compliments playing money but i play the verse chorus and bridge and come together by the beetles well
I thought for sure there would be a les claypool riff in there
Stop saying normies. JeeZ
0:38 i love that Another Brick In The Wall, Money, and Low Rider are all in a row
your cant stop at the end was horrible!..
Journey to the end of east bay is the song I choose to impress strangers
my go to has got to be "You Should Be Dancing" by the Bee Gees!
I play guitar and not Bass, but I wanna try Bass so bad
Deep purple black night !
Is this the guy who plays in his music room all day while his wife supports him
I’d say anything by Tool
I was shocked when the 6 year old boy snapped to attention when he heard Roundabout bass line intro. He said that is the music that plays when you die or something? I am 54, btw myself. I think there are quite a lot of videos how Chris got that growling tone.
"Imagine the drums" My mans, you should be telling folks to use a metronome!
How did primus not make the list?
Can't hear a single thing you're playing bud lmao.
Stone Love by Pepper is by far the best
jackson five – 'I want you back' Rush-'Limelight' Elvis Costello – 'What's so funny about…peace love & understanding'
I don’t play for big girls
Play her something from Jenny Craig play list like “Lay off the junk food” or play her something while she runs the treadmill.
I've noticed people really enjoy when I play the Pink Panther theme
Hysteria always works for me
The Ducktails theme ????