DI vs Line Isolator for Amp Modelers | Walrus Audio Canvas
Using a line isolator instead of a normal DI can really help your signal if you are running direct with an amp modeler or simulator like the Tonex, Strymon Iridium, Walrus ACS1, or Universal Audio Ruby and Dream. Check out the full video about line isolators on the Sunday Tone channel.
Gear Used:
@fender American Standard Telecaster
@JacksonAudio The Optimist Overdrive
@ikmultimedia Tonex pedal
@jetpedals Eternity Delay
@strymon Cloudburst Reverb
@walrusaudioeffects Canvas Stereo
????️ My Pedals:
Amp Modeler (Tonex Pedal) – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Mmz7Qo
Favorite Reverb – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/q49YgL
Favorite Klon – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/5gEojN
JHS Morning Glory – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/DKG7L2
My Tuner – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/9gD0e5
My Volume Pedal – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/k0EYRL
Swiss Army Knife – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/GmJ7nm
My Delay Pedal – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/1rBJ19
???? My Studio Gear:
Audio Interface – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/JzX7Jq
Studio Monitors – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/ZQ57XX
Shure SM57 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/XYj7dX
Shure SM81 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Wqr74A
Headphones – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/nLxYNA
???? My Guitars:
PRS SE DGT – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/6eLmAq
PRS SE Silver Sky – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/21zZj7
Gibson J45 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/R5q71N
Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster
Fender American Standard Telecaster
???? My Accessories:
Budget In-Ears – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/q49YAY
Fancy In-Ears – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/xkaYy1
Electric Strings – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/jr0YzP
Acoustic Strings – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/5gEoA2
Favorite Picks – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/GmJ70m
Favorite Straps – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/JzX7Lq
Patch Cables – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/XYj7LX
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#Line #Isolator #Amp #Modelers #Walrus #Audio #Canvas
Originally posted by UCk9UGb7hCH_DDpXwP9Okz5w at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8pSBeBnr5I
Check out the full video about the Walrus Audio Canvas here:
Well, the box looks pretty cool.
No volume matching makes this comparison 100% useless.
I want to sell my pedals and use that ToneX setup. If it’s anything like the DAW plugins when run into a PA/Amp, it’s worth it.
Won’t be noticeable in the mix. Bedroom practice, maybe. Live situation, nope.
Louder is not better!
Without getting into the weeds, the main difference is that a Di transformer steps down the signal to mic level, an isolation transformer doesn’t, it’s 1:1 level matching. So there is a difference, is it worth obsessing over, maybe, maybe not.
Can I use a different direct box with the Walrus ACS 1?
Just another reason to use a DI. Thanks for the comparison
It’s louder and in audio louder sounds better. So what’s the real difference?
You totally lost me, but I definitely need one.
Cold tone..
LOUD is good
DI mode sound harsh
Well yes, louder always sounds "better". But what does it do and what do you need it for?
Can’t tell any difference
DI sounds more natural
But….. it’s just hitting the compressor harder
hear a bit of body to it
Sound a lot more compressed and it has a bit more bite
There's more high end information in the LI mode. I'm listening through monitor speakers, so it's probably more apparent that your cell phone.
sounds like compressor
I'm hearing a lot more pluck and not as smooth and dreamy of an experience with the line iso.
It just sounds like you kicked on a compressor with the line isolator. A slight increase in volume is the only clear difference.
Also not sure why one of these would be necessary for most modelers today as most give you a balanced DI output right on the unit
So, Louder and Compressed
I'm not sure where in the signal chain this is or what the intended effect even is cuz all that's really noticable here is a volume change, i would suggest sharing that info
I like DI mode sounds normal. LI mode like use compressor.
Can I really hear the difference? Do a blind test with matched volume.
The DI mode has an additional -20 dB pad that's turned off when in LI mode. I would love to hear an A/B of the two with the LI mode reduced in post by 20 dB for a fair comparison of the actual tonal differences. Anyone who thinks they can hear a tonal difference with that big of a dB discrepancy between modes is just fooling themselves.
You would have to be running this over a long distance with a balanced cable for either DI or LI to be needed. Running from a modeler to an interface in the same studio doesn’t require either.
Are both balance signal ??
How would this work on bass tho?
I don't get what your problem is.
I play bass and I love the sound of my tube amps. But they are heavy, big, expensive in purchase and upkeep, sometimes unrelieable. They are oldschool in the best and at the same time in the worst way.
If I can get a small cheap box that sounds like my amp and can even simulate a cab, why wouldn't I?
Don't worry, bassists have been going ampless forever. Bassamps are still around.
I mean…yeah..it's louder