Epiphone EB-0/SG-E1 Review – Neck Diving Into a Puddle of Mud – LowEndLobster Review
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Hey everyone! Today we are reviewing the SG-E1 from Epiphone, formally known as the Epiphone EB-0 bass. Featuring an all mahogany construction, SG body shape, and distinct mudbucker, the SG-E1 is looking to tap into Gibson’s bass legacy and channel the legacy Gibson EB-0 from the 60’s, but at a budget price. How will this little base fare? Let’s find out!
This bass and all my other basses with rounds are strung with SIT Foundation Nickel Plated Stainless Steel 45-105(125) unless otherwise noted. Check them out at https://sitstrings.com/
Info on my signal chain, setup and more: https://youtu.be/QtZdeV7Ngv0
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#Epiphone #EB0SGE1 #Review #Neck #Diving #Puddle #Mud #LowEndLobster #Review
Originally posted by UClpTFnWcfIg4pcgFZ8dRTyg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_y7LI0AgfE
Light tuners, heavier bridge, thick flats, high pass filter, tone rolled off, I reckon it could be a winner (or at least a satisfying challenge). Alternatively a headless mod.
This is the first bass I've ever owned. I must of got it in some crazy clearance because it only ran me $150, plus a $50 Fender rumble 25, it's my first and current setup. I got it like 2 1/2 years ago and have made little progress in my bass playing. I get that expensive equipment doesn't make you sound better, but god is this thing so boring, I barely want to pick it up. I have been making some more progress recently, but that's because I want to get much better before spending quite a lot of money on a proper Ibanez SR400EPBDXMGU + massive setup that will get me to the tones I want.
(Make a high pitch whining crying sound) Eww, it doesn't sound like a Fender bass. Whahhhhhhhhh.
Need to hold the neck up while you play. Get a fuzz pedal and play power chords.
I kinda love the tone lol. Not a daily driver but totally fills a space
I really like lobster, but…. I dont think he understands tone well. Or, even the uniqueness of this bass. Overall love his channel, but hes wrong avout this bass.
literally every line sounds so good idk wym ????
Just got one with flat wounds on it and it rocks
This baby is growling way more than I thought it would
I found one for $100, do you think is still not worth it?
I feel like at least some of that muddy tone can be attributed to the pickup location. It's all the way at the neck, so it's going to be a lot of fundamental frequencies and very few harmonics.
Does muddy mean that bull frog tone or a natural distortion?
That's a pretty nice sounding bass, warm and not harsh or gnarly at all…
It may be muddy, Lobster, but some of us like to get messy
you need to learn how to set your eq for a bass like this, imo
You look like a Bass Vsauce
i found this exact bass in a ditch, i picked it up. it was missing its output jack.
I had to unsubscribe after watching this video. Dudes biggest gripe was neck dive?
bought the EB-0 for my first ever bass and I thought the bass sound bad until I saw this video. It's just me that sucks with bass. I need to start practising it again I guess.
I like it
Run that shit through a Fulltone OCD through a cracked tube amp, bitting piercing tone all day long.
How big is the pickup cavity on the EB-O?
I'm wondering if a fair amount of the cavity would still be exposed if I replaced the mudbucker with some TV Jones pickups and their mounting plates. Or do you think I'd have to cut my own mounting plate? Whadda yuh think? Bad idea? 🙂
Thanks for the reviews!
::EDIT:: Just saw your EB-0 mod series… was hard for me to gauge exactly how big it is, but definitely bigger than I thought 🙂
I have one of these and I really love the sound. Nice and chunky.
I've had one of these for years – I almost parted with it, it was my "worst" bass, but then a friend took the frets off, and good lord, I'll never give it up!
You could make 2 cans and a string sound great!
It sounds pretty good through the iPhone, but the mud bass isn’t apparent.