Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Picking the PERFECT Amp for Your Pedals

Today, I’m shooting out the three GOLD STANDARD pedal platform amplifiers: a 1964 Fender Deluxe Reverb (6V6), 1969 Marshall Superlead 100 (EL34), and a mid-90’s Vox AC30 (EL84), along with three GOLD STANDARD drive pedals: Marshall Blues Breaker (low gain), Ibanez TS-10 (mid gain), ’85 ProCo Rat (high gain) – all in attempt to see which pairings work BEST with all the amps set clean and the pedals doing all the work.

Please share with us your favorite amp + pedal combos in the comments section! And, remember, this ultimately comes down to taste; however, I’ll share what I’m hearing in the room and the things you should consider when determining possible clean amp and pedal combinations.

Table of Contents:
00:00 Introduction
00:22 What is a Pedal Platform Amp?
00:55 Pedals We Pairing with These Amps
01:55 Guitars We Using
02:24 Our Testing Process
03:05 Our Goal for YOU!
03:15 Our Testing Process Cont…
04:15 Clean References for Each Amp
05:15 Marshall Blues Breaker Test
06:47 Marshall Blues Breaker Analysis
07:44 Ibanez TS-10 Tube Screamer Test
09:02 Ibanez TS-10 Tube Screamer Analysis
10:48 ProCo Rat Test
12:23 ProCo Rat Analysis
13:26 Recap & Overall Summary
16:32 Closing, Like, Sub, Comment Below!

*some urls below contain affiliate links*

My Favorite Blues Breaker, Tube Screamer, & Rat Pedals:
JHS Morning Glory: https://amzn.to/3hxTLD3
Analogman Price of Tone: https://bit.ly/33XIVy1
Snouse Blackbox: https://bit.ly/33X5cwa
Ibanez TS-9 Reissue: https://amzn.to/2RxKgce
JHS Bonsai: https://amzn.to/3vcYRJ3
Fulltone FD-1: https://amzn.to/3hFoEp4
ProCo Rat Reissue: https://amzn.to/3hwyV74
1981 Inventions DRV: https://1981inventions.com/

⬇️Private Tone Consulting from the Rig Dr.⬇️
Private Tone Consulting

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Mono – https://vertexeffects.com/diy-buffer-mono
Mono w/Tuner Out – https://vertexeffects.com/diy-buffer-mono-tuner
Mono w/Splitter – https://www.vertexeffects.com/diy-buffer-mono-splitter
Mono w/Audition Loop – https://vertexeffects.com/diy-buffer-mono-audition
4 Cable Method (FX Loop) – https://vertexeffects.com/diy-buffer-4cm-wet-dry
Wet/Dry – https://vertexeffects.com/diy-buffer-4cm-wet-dry
Stereo – https://vertexeffects.com/diy-buffer-stereo-tuner

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Private Tone Consulting

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Apple: https://apple.co/36dSQzK
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2WGLku8

Vertex DIY Buffers – https://vertexeffects.com/diy-buffer
Mesa Boogie High-Wire (dual buffer) – https://bit.ly/2lZwS0s
TC Bonafide Buffer (x2 input + output) – https://amzn.to/2vrTSug
Truetone Buffer (x2 input + output) – https://amzn.to/2NLDA8l

//power supply//
CIOKS 7 – https://amzn.to/3d4qOty
CIOKS 8 – https://amzn.to/2zW5YOn
CIOKS 4 – https://amzn.to/33jWAOZ
Strymon Zuma – https://amzn.to/3dpZANe
Strymon Zuma R300 – https://amzn.to/2ZgLclt
Truetone CS6 – https://amzn.to/2wWLbII
Truetone CS7 – https://amzn.to/2x1Nf2k
Truetone CS12 – https://amzn.to/33rfLq3
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 – https://amzn.to/3asqK6r
IEC Plug Covers – https://bit.ly/34fpGl3

//dc power cables//
2.1mm DC Power Plugs (right angle) – https://bit.ly/2pGqXzI
2.1mm DC Power Plugs (straight) – https://bit.ly/36wd1sA
Bulk Power Cables (pre made) – https://amzn.to/3ev1q0t

MIDI Plugs (right angle) – https://bit.ly/2oKHDFG
MIDI Plugs (straight) – https://bit.ly/32fNNLF
MIDI Cable (bulk) – https://amzn.to/2tPAHWQ

Vertex Super Lock – https://therigdr.com/collections/all/products/powergrip-6-20-ft

//cable management//
Zip Ties – https://www.therigdr.com/products/zip-ties
Tie Down Mounts – https://www.therigdr.com/products/tie-down-mounts
Tone Essentials Kit – https://www.therigdr.com/products/tone-essentials-kit

//pedalboard tools//
Soldering Iron – https://amzn.to/2TTdMI4
Solder (60/40) – https://amzn.to/2U7XhsD
Solder Dispenser – https://amzn.to/2GpgMpR
Octopus Arms – https://amzn.to/2V3O8OD
Wire Strippers (30-20 AWG) – https://amzn.to/2BBMI6n
Wire Strippers (20-10 AWG) – https://amzn.to/2EbhBR3
Wire Snips – https://amzn.to/2EazwqU
Vise – https://amzn.to/2E9eTLO
Heat Gun (embossing gun) – https://amzn.to/2BwGdlm
Label Maker – https://amzn.to/2BCBcHU
Label Maker Tape (black) – https://amzn.to/2Cd3CZe
Label Maker Tape (clear) – https://amzn.to/34piDD4
Deoxit D5 Contact Cleaner – https://amzn.to/2GEm4gu
Truetone Milliamp (mA) Reader – https://amzn.to/2F9v3VN
Tone Brush – https://amzn.to/2HIfze3
Upholstery Crow Bar – https://amzn.to/2HIOU0K
Multimeter – https://amzn.to/2YW9BdE
Goo Gone – https://amzn.to/31rGJeS

#PedalPlatformAmps #CleanPedalPlatforms #RigDoctor

#Picking #PERFECT #Amp #Pedals

Originally posted by UC0lvt4Tpj5xI4Cfzfz4SHzg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f27_OO1dQGo

36 thoughts on “Picking the PERFECT Amp for Your Pedals

  • Please comment with your favorite AMP and PEDAL combos below!
    Remember, this ultimately comes down to taste. Anything I say in this video is only a consideration based on what I'm hearing in the room as this was being recorded.

  • What I learned from this video is that buying all this stuff and getting our own learning hands on experience.

  • It was a good comparison and i understand that everyone has their style of playing and tone spectres . But calling this 3 “stages” of gain, from low to high, is a bit misleading. The last one was, at best, still a medium gain sound. Comparing that to high gain guitar sounds, it stays at like 50% of the gain/drive that is standard for some styles/amps/pedals. For someone trying to compare how the amps react to a high gain sound, this wasn’t very useful.

  • My understanding of a two screamer is that it should be used on an amp that is already broken up but isn't really distorted. I've never heard of a tube screamer used on a clean pedal platform and because it really doesn't do that marching such a context I like the two screamer to push an already over driven amp that isn't super high game like pushing a fender amp that is breaking up. Also in this context they sound pretty good so I'm wondering if it's really a pedal platform or if these ants are breaking up before the

  • Was wondering how bad the reverb would be, reading the comments before you started playing. And crikey. They weren’t exaggerating… that’s surf level reverb tone comparison o.O

  • Looking at the 65 Deluxe Reverb reissue. Has anyone here performed an A/B comparison with the two amps? Big price difference between the 64 and 65. 65 also has 22 watts instead of 20 and instead of the bright channel it has the trem channel. The 64 has a Jensen C12Q speaker, and the 65 has a Jensen C12K speaker. So I realize they are different amps. Just curious if the extra $1,400 for the 64 is worth it. Thanks

  • Great video. Helps me understand why one amp doesn’t work with all pedals. Wish I knew the pedal settings in the demo. And the pedals listed as alternatives which style pedal they represented. Thanks again!!

  • No one better at making comprehensive videos, showing both Strats and Les Paul style guitars, so we can truly hear what they both sound like.

  • Great demonstration. For me and only me: Fender sounds too warm on all but Tubescreamer, the mid effect. Vox I have, Marshall not all that different. I'm a happy camper.

  • It would have been cool to had a fender twin reverb added to this demonstration, just to see how it handled the pedals.

  • I have a quilter tone block 200 what we be a good pedal as close I can get to that tube overdrive

  • How can any be a "perfect" amp for pedals without an effects loop? Magic happens with certain modulation pedals when placed after the pre-amp.

  • @vertexeffects Have you done a video featuring dedicated pedal-platform power amps (Such as Seymour Duncan PowerStage series, Orange Pedal Baby, Hotone Loudster, etc)? Curious how the more pedal-specific power amps stack up compared to more "traditional" amps such as those featured in this video.

  • I am sure that I'm not the only person who was on the edge of their seat by 03:10 of this video. ????The comparison hasn't even started, but we all know that Mason already knows exactly what we all want to know.

  • Of all my amps. I’ll go to the grave with my silverface bassman 50. It sounds beautiful clean and takes pedals like no other amp I have.

  • Guys I'm really really struggling getting anything I like from my pedals into a super reverb. Any help. Pedals are kingtone soloist, archer, fulltone full drive.


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