Wednesday, March 12, 2025

26 thoughts on “10 Gauge Strings VS 12 Gauge Strings (Acoustic Guitar)

  • Remember that guitar should be fun. If you wanna play 10s then play 10s. If it's not loud enough then get a k&k pickup and hook to an amp. So many people get caught in to the sound and not the fun. I was one. Got a room full of guitars and amps but I still play

  • I have tried flamenco picado runs on a steel string acoustic… only 10s feel like the nylon string and make it possible. The 12s have too much tension for such a technique, and also damage your nails.

  • based on my experience. no noticeable sound difference on .10,.11 and .12 gauges but the purpose of these is depends on how you wanted to lower your guitar action. the lower it is you must use higher gauge because it has less tension. i mistakenly over sand my saddle last time. on the same action it did fret buzz on .9 and .10 strings but not on .11 and .12… for me i only notice sound difference on string materials. 80/20 is always my first choice since it sounds clearer than phosphor bronze

  • These yamahas always sound better with 12s. My opinion is that 10s are for the solid body electric guys. But I guess do what you want. I have twelves on all my acoustics.

  • But these go to 11! ???? I like the DR Sunbeams 11-50s, not promoting the company, just what I like on my Dean and PRS acoustic guitars

  • Las .12 suenan excelente pero para guitarra de buena calidad,
    para guitarra económica recomiendo .10 porque suenan más limpio.

  • You just can't beat the punch on a .12 string. But I recommend .10 on pinless bridges because .12 puts too much stress on it.

  • I strum hard and 12 gauge is the go to for me. Also I noticed that my 1st 2nd and 3rd string buzz at 3rd fret with gauge 10 but does not buzz with gauge 12. Is that normal? I'm using a DR 100 epiphone

  • Las .10 me genera mejor memoria auditiva, las .12 muy duras y sonido fuerte pero más sucio…Es mi percepción y experiencia…

  • String sizes depends on the size of the guitar.. especially when plugged.. jumbo guitars should only have gauge 10 because the bass will have lots of feedback when you put heavier strings.. but if your guitar is junior or travel guitar use gauge 12 because you need bass to junior size guitars.. gauge 11 if your guitar is medium sized..

  • From the video, I only noticed a difference in the second tune you played (fingerstyle)… but I believe it would be different in person.

  • Is 11 gauge good for bending, not exactly shredding, it's just if you want to play the solo on some song. Or 10 is more suitable? But 10 will break easily, right?

    Edit: I'm a 50/50 guy, rhythm and lead is what I enjoy. I just wanna know what's better for bending strings without breaking it easily.

  • For the most part I wouldn't prefer one over the other, but in some cases the 12s are fuller and richer in sound where the 10s are certainly brighter. This will certainly be a matter of taste. Now, I need to find a video of nickel vs brass…

  • The Twelves sound much fuller and complete..The Tens sound brighter at higher time levels but overall the Twelves are better in my opinion. This was a great contrast comparison because I've been thinking about going to tens because I player much more rhythm guitar than picking and I prefer higher range of tone in my rythums.

  • I'm 70 years old and have been playing electric for most of my playing years but recently discovered JP Cormier (a Canadian acoustic player) so I packed my electric guitars away and went acoustic. I purchased a Hummingbird and a Sigma Jumbo both fitted with 0012-0053 but found that they sounded a bit dull compared to 0010s so is it my perception or what?":


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