Tuesday, March 18, 2025

12-String Battle: Guild F-2512E vs. Epiphone Hummingbird 12

Today we’ve got a couple incredible value 12 strings in the studio, one from Guild and one from Epiphone. Do you prefer the laminate back/sides jumbo ~or~ the all solid dreadnought with all the vintage aesthetic? Take a listen and let us know!

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0:00 Intro/Specs
7:24 Guild Demo
8:57 Epiphone Demo
10:25 Final Thoughts

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#12String #Battle #Guild #F2512E #Epiphone #Hummingbird

Originally posted by UCIB3DqQuXKmM7DzEMppafDA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjibHaHyQl0

40 thoughts on “12-String Battle: Guild F-2512E vs. Epiphone Hummingbird 12

  • Iv owned both, I sold the Guild to buy the epi, wanting a cheaper 12str to gig with. The Indonesian epi, is another level from the Guild. U tube cannot express acoustic tones well. I admit the epi took 2 set ups, over 3 months, but it as settled well, and plays nearly as good as my martin Hd 12 28. I didn't say it sounds like the martin.

  • Cooper has such a calming, sonorous voice. He’s like the Bob Ross of guitar.

    He should start a podcast for meditation or relaxation.

  • This is an interesting comparison, but not one I would have considered. In my view the Guild F1512 is closer to the Epiphone than the F2512. They're both solid wood and within $150 or so of each other. The 1512 is higher, but comes with a gig bag. I 'm curious to know what people think of that comparison.

  • Enjoyed the video. You two play off each other very nicely. I went for the Guild myself, which arrived today, and it's a heckuva guitar. Love the sound. Bright, shimmery, and perfect for what I want.

  • The Guild just blew the Epiphone away, the Epiphone was muddy. The Guild had the chime and the volume that a 12 string needs.

  • I’ve tried the Guild at Guitar City in NYC, it plays and sounds amazing! Stands up against anything even above its price range. The only thing I don’t like is that it has electronics.

    Cannot bear to see this cheap plastic carved into the body. Unfortunately they don’t offer a non-electronics verdin of that same model.

  • Warning: I’ve had the epiphone since last Christmas and it’s been a bit of a nightmare for me tbh. I’ve just took off the six extra strings so it’s back to being a regular six string and wow, what a relief! It is nearly impossible to get it properly in tune for more than a minute and it just makes everything sound super duper shitty when there’s even a very verrry slight difference in the tuning of a particular string set. Taking th strings off almost felt like a rebirth like phew, I was starting to think I sucked! It was just he impossibility of being in tune! Also a huge issue jsintonation, the intonation varies between the strings, like if I tune my open low E to pitch and then match an octave up, it sounds fine on open string fret zero but going up the neck the intonation varies slightly maybe due to finger pressure etc, how do you adjust your finger pressure so the thick string is right on pitch but the octave is sharp? How do you find balance without tuning one lower making an open E string note sound like turds? Overall I found myself feeling very stressed by this guitar like every day I was battling with a Rubix cube instead of being creative. As for the sound, it just sounds like acoustic guitar, I can make a Hohner given to me for free sound as good or better than a $1000 epiphone or make epiphone sound as bad as a Hohner. I think I’m over my interest in 12 strings for now anyway. The idea is cool and it does sound good wih brand new strings if it stays in tune but otherwise it actually makes you sound worse tha you should sound! That’s not a good place to be as a guitarist! I think my next and new interest is going to be a baroque guitar, I like the smaller size idea a lot after holding this huge guitar all day every day.

  • if i had an amazing 12 string that is small and still sounded great, it would be my main guitar. for sure. if taylor had a gs mini 12 it would also be my main guitar. for sure.

  • The epiphone is way better quality, I bought one before I even saw this video and on another note it stays in tune amazingly well.

  • I am with the better defined, husky Guild. The Epi sounds smooth but blended more. I wish you could find someone who can actually play guitar. ???? Some of the finest playing I've ever heard in a 12'er review.

  • I am currently gigging (solo acoustic) with an Epi Jumbo Studio 6 string, and an HB jumbo 12 string. I use the 12 string for 3 or 4 songs per set. The HB needed a LOT of work when I got it. I almost sent it back. But I liked the guitar so I had a local luthier in Seattle go to work on it. Shout out to Drew Jones, Drew's Guitar Shop! The action was so high it was unplayable. Drew lowered the saddle and shaved down the bridge. It now plays like butter. Has a rich tone and for a 12 string, it's a joy to play! The funny thing is I have always played dreadnoughts. I was surprised how much I love the jumbo's!

  • I’d rather have very close tuning. The public can’t tell you why, but they like it better. I think there is enough harmonic cancellation/reinforcement (what he calls the chorus effect) in twelve strings to begin with. He’s right about the wider neck. I’m experiencing that with the new guitar from the narrow Yamaha neck. Better for some things, but clumsy for certain fingerings as he said.

  • I just bought a F2512E deluxe a couple of weeks ago. Antique Burst.I haven’t played a better 12 string. Had an Ibanez, Yamaha, and now the Guild. Tunes up SO close!. The arch back with reduced bracing projects superbly. Wider neck than my Yamaha 12, which made arpeggios with a pick and fingering finger twister chords more difficult.

  • A/B'ing them back and forth, I very much prefer the Guild: deeper low end, a bit more articulate highs (not as thick in the midrange).

  • The guild is bright and the mids are profound, yet the epiphone needs to age at least 10 years before it could entirely open up.

  • If the epi is the “inspired by” version then you should compare it with the Guild 1512. The epi pro is closer to the 2512. To be fair. And the pro is only $500

  • Install some white plastic or ebony buttons on the tuning machines to reduce the headstock weight. They both sound nice but I slightly prefer the Guild.

  • Okay, this comparison is apples to oranges. A jumbo against a dreadnought. It appears you used a WA-47 to record both, but what was the eq difference in the DAW? I ask this because the jumbo sounded thinner than the dreadnought, and that can't be in the world of physics. Now, we all know that guild makes the best acoustic 12-strings in the world, when you are spending thousands! So, what I want to see compared is the Hummingbird 12 dreadnought against the Guild D-1212 dreadnought. Electronics can be added to the D-1212. Why Guild didn't offer this option is beyond me! Finally, the epi is gorgeous, and the Guild D-1212 is handsome as hell. I simply want to know whether it's worth buying the D-1212 and installing the equivalent electronics into it simply for the guitar quality at the basic level of construction and materials. Do a comparison between the epi 12 and the D-1212 because that is more correct. Being that you did not plug wither of these into a direct box anyway. Which is better???

  • Yamaha LL16/12 is a far better choice than either of these. But Im biased. I own one…

  • I had the Guild. It made a tremendous racket. I went up-market for a Taylor that plays more easily, sounds even better plugged in, and is built to last. That IBG Hummingbird would have done the job OK though. Just wish that 'burst was darker.

  • I picked up the Guild F2512 with a Roadrunner case. I found that to get it in tune, I had to tune the bass strings and get those right on with my phone tuner, and then tune the octave strings by ear. Next thing will be to adjust the truss rod , which is located at the end of the fretboard.

  • Me thinks the necks are probably the same weight. The body of the guild and its lower bout act as a counter weight. But seriously great reviews as usual guys – thank you! Really appreciate the in depth looks and engagement with the audience. Definitely one of the best on YT!


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