12-String Guitar vs. 6-String Guitar SOUND COMPARISON
#12String #Guitar #6String #Guitar #SOUND #COMPARISON
Originally posted by UCqWwAvbf1wi-HSxP_3vtq5w at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78REM1z27Wc
#12String #Guitar #6String #Guitar #SOUND #COMPARISON
Originally posted by UCqWwAvbf1wi-HSxP_3vtq5w at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78REM1z27Wc
12 strings and 1 mustache = getting poontang near the campfire
Run to you on 12 strings ????
The twelve strings sound twangy which makes one of my favorite songs, “Tangerine” sound awesome.
Try putting on two sets of the same gage on a 12 string, you’ll thank me
I just double it with the same strings for the top 4
12 cordas ????????????????????????????????
That's why stairway sounds so serene
Sir ye bna keb 12 string guitar
La Diabla
That’s very true, but every time I try to play a 12 string. I always manage to mute at least one sting.
Background acoustic chord progression on Your Decision by Alice in Chains
Ehhhhh Nashville tuning gives you that shimmer of a 12 string actually I don’t know bc I never played Nashville tuning
Love my Taylor 12 string acoustic/electric guitar but I've never heard of Orangewood guitars ????????????????
My first guitar was a twelve string. (Yes, I'm absolutely insane but I just couldn't put it down after strumming it.)
Most horrible sound ever heard
12 string in d or c# standard ????
Better bass in 12 strings obviously
Ponle cuerdas pares ahora, y toca corridos ????
Ofc its was wish you were here
Love of my life from Queen
12 string
I always bring my 12 string when i play live, to be able to play wish u were here. Hotel, and dead or alive, sounds like the original
how can you play the wrong chords of Wish you were here!!! ????????????you also chose the song to make this shitty video!!! you are unforgivable
Bluesman Leadbelly made his career on a 12-string acoustic guitar.
Wanted dead or alive and hotel California
Do you guys have a cutaway 12 ?
Are there any guitars that have more than 12 strings?
Killing in the name of on a 12 string gose hard
It doesn't transition to "D" like that. It goes to "D" after the "G"
its all good until you barre chords
Que siga la mata dando, by junior h
Whole Hearted by Extreme. Nuno Bettencourt is a pretty rad guitarist.
Ocean by John Butler probably one of the best songs I've heard in 12 string
Play one consistently. That is the key.
Double the strings, double the pressure, double the grooving. Callous your fingers as best you can.
The more you play the easier it gets. Like a six. Remember? Here you go again but it is well worth the effort. The more precise the better, the sound.
Tips tips tips!!!
Finger Tips, Not flats!! As the ruler comes down with a sharp wack to your fingers?
Frau Farbissina, Dr. Evils wife!! Oohh! Pinky in corner of mouth!
Hotel California
I’m trying to learn how to play guitar through a 12 string. Not the easiest feat I’ll tell you that. I’m still at the bare bones of guitar skills and can probably confidently recite 5 chords thus far and trying to learn how to fingerpick two strings at once without hitting the others hasn’t been the easiest thing for me LOL. I do wish I had a 6 string to use sometimes but I’m pretty sure I only have the 12 string available (it was my grandma’s or something so it’s quite old but all the strings are still intact)
Can I get through online this guiter because I like it.
How i wish how i wish you were here????
12 string corridos