Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

17 Years of Guitar Gear Secrets… in 5 Minutes!

The world of guitar gear can feel infinite! There seems to be an ever growing number of Guitar Influencers posting about a new product that’s sure to be the one thing you were missing to take you to the top of guitar superstardom. And look, I know I post about gear too, and I have definitely bought gear that I may not have needed… But today I’m going to attempt to clear that all up by sharing with you all of the guitar gear knowledge I’ve learned over the past 17 years of guitar.

I’m going to breakdown the key lessons I wish I had known when I first started out on my guitar gear journey. Cause let’s be honest, the world of guitar gear is not always easy to navigate. It gets expensive quickly. And, when you’re just getting started, the choices can be overwhelming. We’re going to talk about: amps, modelers, guitars, pickup, pedals, touring, gigging, does price matter, what to buy and what not to buy… So here’s 17 years of pro guitar gear knowledge in 5 minutes!

And of course, there is so much more to learn and discuss, but hopefully this guide will get you up and running! Be sure to share your top gear tips in the comments below, like the video, and subscribe to the channel if you’re new! We’re inching toward 10k subscribers!! Every one of you matters!

***GEAR I USE***
As A Sweetwater Affiliate I earn a small commission from the links in this post. I only advertise products I use and/or believe in! If you’re looking for gear, this is a cool way to support the channel-

Orange Micro Terror Head –
Orange Terror Stamp –
Orange Micro Dark –
Vox AC30 –
Vox AC15 –

Amp Load Box / DI
Two Notes Torpedo Captor –

Guitar Modeling
Neural DSP Quad Cortex –
SKB Quad Cortex Case –
Walrus Audio ACS1 –

Guitar Pedals
Walrus Audio Deep Six –
Jackson Audio Belle Starr –
JHS Bender Fuzz –
JHS Moonshine –
JHS Notaklön –
Strymon Mobius –
Strymon Timeline –
Strymon BigSky –

Fender Stratocaster –
Gibson Les Paul Standard –
Gretsch White Falcon CBDC –
Martin Custom X Series –
Martin 000CJr-10E –

D’Addario EXL110 Strings –
D’Addario Pro Capo –
Dunlop Green Tortex Picks –
Dunlop Glass Slide –
G7th Capo –
Mogami Instrument Cables –
Mogami XLR Cables –
Mogami Patch Cables –


0:00 Do Guitar Influencers have the solution?
0:32 The truth about Tubes vs. Modelers
0:53 Where Tube Amps Actually Win
1:09 Do all Overdrives sound the Same?
1:38 What actually changes the Tone on Electric Guitar
1:47 Do you need Strymon pedals for Worship Guitar?
2:11 If you want to Tour, these win
2:22 What about Cheap Guitars?
2:45 Pedalboard or Modeler?
3:02 Ok, but Pedalboards…
3:33 Does Price and Brand matter?
3:45 How to choose a Guitar?
4:02 The Secret to Modelers
4:42 No One Cares
5:00 I forget this all of the time, and it’s important

#Years #Guitar #Gear #Secrets.. #Minutes

Originally posted by UCDwaZa0wrIPVaY9znjPpTPA at

24 thoughts on “17 Years of Guitar Gear Secrets… in 5 Minutes!

  • What are your top gear tips? And, if you liked the video please leave a like on it and consider subscribing to the channel! It helps out a ton, and we’re getting closer and closer to 10k!! Thank you everyone!

  • The more I compare modelers/guitars/amps, the more I find that knowing how to use your gear is probably the most important thing to know

  • You can get 90% there with a Valeton GP200, 95% there with a Helix, 98% there with a Quad Cortex and with 15k worth of amps, cabs,pedals and guitars , you can have it 100%

  • 1) no amount of twiddling with your tone can fix composition issues. If your all running at 11 all the time it's going to sound like a mess.

    2) If the only place you change the params on your amp/molder is at home by yourself it's going to sound like ass at the gig because tiny little rooms handle sound verry differently to any size of venue. Spend some time out in the middle of the venue and pay attention to what your sound is doing in the room and how it sonically sits with the other instruments.

    3) stop rolling off all the high end – yeah it sounds cool in a vacuum but the only sonic place to put it in the mix is where the bass/keys/synth are.

    4) reverbs don't do verry well in larger rooms or rooms with little sound treatment. Choosing a Delay/Chorus instead will usually leave a mix less muddy.

    5) stop bring cables that are broken. If it crackles bin it. If the socket is the cause replace it – ideally with a dull wipe 1/4" socket which don't ware out as quickly.

  • Worship Guitar and Worship pedalboard are two phrases that would never have come to mind in my day. To be honest, rock was considered “The devil’s music” by many folks in the 50s

  • peanut butter on the corner of your mouth in first have of the vid? lol good vid!

  • go for the coolest looking guitar you can afford. the way it looks is the most important thing

  • Can you repost this video every few weeks to stop me from going into another rabbit hole and coming back the other side only to agree with your “truths” about gear! ???? thank you great 5’ summary!

  • Changing pedals…is really easy if you STAY disorganized????

    GREAT info..beginners, LISTEN to this man he's 100% right about everything. It's all common sense but boomers will disagree

  • Differences between types of pickups (P90 vs humbucker etc) a
    Is far greater than differences between similar types with similar output
    Manufacturers rarely publish the tonal characteristics of pickups which you can deduce through Henries

  • Gear tip. If you aren’t enjoying something you have been enjoying it could be a we fatigue. Just give yourself a break and come back to it

  • As someone who has toured the US, just having your guitar and pedalboard with a modeler that DIs in… saves so much time. The amount of live guys that loved us for the simplicity.

  • This is such a great video! I love the visual appeal of it – it had me waiting for the next change of picture. Love the content too – love your recommendations – thank you so much for narrowing the gear down! Love hearing the suggestion on swapping out the pick ups – Interesting that you recommend the modeler over a pedal board – Use your ears is a really great suggestion! You are so right – no one cares what you use – but to enjoy the music. You are so right – music is supposed to be fun – and enjoying what you already have is a great tip! Thanks for all this great information!

  • Man, great short video. Really great. Loved the unpopular opinions haha but you said it, right now it is impossible to tell what is being used. Even Mateo Mancuso in his latest interview said it. Guthrie Govan went digital a while back and I am so happy because now to any purist I can say "are you Guthrie? No? Then shhh…"

  • Despite recent stereotypes, you don't need reverb and delay to play worship music. Worship music is not a specific style.


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