Wednesday, October 16, 2024
GuitarGuitar Effects

18v vs 9v Guitar Effects Pedal Power Supply Tone Comparison

18v vs 9v Guitar Effects Pedal Power Supply Tone Comparison

This is something I wanted to test for a while. Will using a 18v power supply change the sound of a pedal? I wanted to work out whether or not you could realistically hear a huge difference in tone from using a 9v or 18v power supply. Please leave your comments below. Power supply is a 9v Visual Sound 1 Spot and a 18v Caline Power Supply.

Recording set up:
I am plugged into my Fender Super Reverb 65 Reissue amplifier on the clean channel into a Two-Notes Torpedo Live.

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#18v #Guitar #Effects #Pedal #Power #Supply #Tone #Comparison

Originally posted by UC-oSaKCCEffJph0F7m6_xfA at

27 thoughts on “18v vs 9v Guitar Effects Pedal Power Supply Tone Comparison

  • I run an 18v pwr supply in my tube driver cause I feel the tube could use more pwr. Butler said I would blow it up,but so far 2 mths later it's fine. It is louder,fatter and more clarity to the sound. My pedal was modded by Fromel with the bias knob and he told me "If it didn't blow when I first did it, it will be fine". I also tried it with a Behringer V911 modded with a Bitmo kit. Sounded fatter also. Also I changed to older 12ax7 American tubes before I did this. I thought it was a great idea at the time.

  • Differente is really subtle. I won't bother trying to use a 18v adapter for 'em.
    BUT, thanks a lot for the demonstration <3

  • Headroom, I don't know. There's more definition and depth with the 18 volts. I run my OCD at 18 and it does make a difference although the average person wouldn't hear it and wouldn't care. It's mostly for me to hear playing live. We are all looking for that little extra and 18 volts can enhance your sound to some degree.

  • I love how they all sound on 18v. Just as much distortion, but way more note definition; more of a high-end sound.

  • Nope did not notice any difference, the only difference that you make is your picking. It looks like you pick differently in 18Volt just to make that difference. What you should use is a Looper to make it constant picking.

  • Oooh I like the extra note definition, that sounds more like a natural amp sound at 18v. I have a euphoria and I love the pedal but I hardly use any gain or no gain at all because it muddies the signal up too much or sounds fake. It works great as a color box but I wonder at 18v if I might be able to get a better sound out of it. That first pedal I definitely like better at 18v than 9… pedals seem to be too synthetic sounding maybe that is something that would help. I have a Siegmund Double Drive that runs off a wall wart and micro tubes and it has none of those problems at all… it's glorious . I don't use it for everything all the time , maybe as a conditioner but I like different tones.. . . Some of them I didn't hear as much of a difference though after watching the whole video

  • The Executive pedal exhibited the most tonal change, with 18V definitely being better. It was more indistinguishable with the other pedals.

  • 18v sound is always more open… i wasnt even aware of this before wathing this video… its sad that not all the pedals can accept 18v 🙁

  • You know it's not really important what we think about the recorded video over the Internet and through YouTube compression schemes. What I'd rather see is you do a quick summary of your feelings and observation from in the room. I speak for myself here but your experience and knowledge far exceeds mine so you would be in the best position to offer a comparative analysis. I can't hear any difference but you may have noticed something more tangible in your playing in the room. As it stands this video is worthless to me. Cheers

  • On my iPad speakers it all sounded exactly the same. Even with my studio headphones plugged in there was no discernible difference. But I'm not sure what I should be listening for, or what 'more headroom' sounds like. Interesting study, probably best to record to your DAW and anylize the waveform. Cheers

  • Shane why don't you ever do videos with your Gibson gold top? Or have you traded/sold them off? Sorry if I didn't catch it if you did. Cheers mate

  • unfortunately you tube compression ruins this video 😀 ahahahah as always it's a great kind of comment (i remember you did a great video explaining this thing) jokes a part great video 😉

  • It may be due to YouTube compression but I heard very little difference between the power supplies. I thought the 18v made a little more difference sounding a hair better into the Paramount but without the back to back comparison nobody would know. I would stick to whatever the pedal manufacturer recommends.

  • The 18 volt to me sounded way better. A little less bright and a lot smoother. Now let's hope nobody went and plugged in a 18 volt supply into their hand wired tube screamer.

  • the difference largely depends on the topology. you'll see a bit of difference with OCDs, and more with FET style ODs

  • Theres more difference in your pick attacks between the two takes than there is a difference that the voltages would make

  • You should NOT try this on pedals that aren't made for 18v!! I can't stress this enough it will blow up a regular 9v only pedal. Cheers. 😉

  • Thanks for this test, Shane! I tried this about 10 years with a number of boost and overdrive pedals. I wound up noticing the most difference on my Fulltone FatBost, v1….and so used that connection on my pedalboard. But quite honestly, I found the differences to be so insignificant with most pedals that I never recommended the 18v over the 9v power supplies. Certainly never something anyone would notice in a live band setting. Love your tests!

  • I guess I don't hear it. Slight differences, but nothing major. I guess Shane has good tone no matter how much voltage he's putting out. 😉

  • to my untrained ears (focusing on the sound and not the video) the 18v was loads better: clearer, fatter, somehow less 'artifical', more personality, like it 'meant it'! really blown away by the difference to be honest

  • to my untrained ears (focusing on the sound and not the video) the 18v was loads better: clearer, fatter, somehow less 'artifical', more personality, like it 'meant it'! really blown away by the difference to be honest

  • Are most analog pedals (e.g. Tubescreamer, Malekko Chaos) able to be powered by an 18v supply? Or is this only for specific pedals. Totally assumed 9v is max for most


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