Sunday, February 23, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

1940&’s GUITAR TONE!! With 1946 Gibson ES125 Mahogany Top with 1949 Gibson BR4 Amp.

I do the time warp to hear what guitar tones were like in the 40’s with my 1946 Gibson ES125 Mahogany top and my 1949 Gibson BR4 amplifier.

Title song written by Kevin Floyd and performed by DORP.

Guitar – 1946 Gibson ES125 with Mahogany Top.
Amp – 1949 Gibson BR4 amp.
Pedals – No pedals just pure 40’s tone.

Please contact Floyd’s Vintage Guitars if you have vintage guitar gear to sell. Floyd’s Vintage Guitars operates worldwide has many famous clients who we are proud to do regular business with.

Kevin Floyd is the guitarist from the UK based band Dorp and is also a boutique winery owner in South Africa.

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#194039s #GUITAR #TONE #Gibson #ES125 #Mahogany #Top #Gibson #BR4 #Amp

Originally posted by UCNYr3SDPMuHzMvrvl78l7qg at

5 thoughts on “1940&’s GUITAR TONE!! With 1946 Gibson ES125 Mahogany Top with 1949 Gibson BR4 Amp.

  • Very interesting. I appreciate your passion for musical discovery or perhaps rediscovery in this case. This is similar to when I play a telecaster through my old 1966 Valco Airline amp…mid-Sixties Garage Band Rock in all it's 6V6 glory.

  • Great video. Big part of 40s sound was also strings they were used. From research the flatwounds were not so popular yet, but they didn’t for sure play plain G string as you have there, nor the pure nickel or nickel over steel strings. Something called Monel was used, some mixture of metals. They stoped making strings like that in 60s but in recent years couple companies bring them back. Should try them and make part II. Cheers.


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