Thursday, March 6, 2025

43 thoughts on “1980s Synth Bass Arpeggio Techniques – addendum

  • What an AMAZING technique!! ❤ is this unique to the Juno 60? I don’t believe all synths have an arp clock trigger.

  • Hey Synthmania community! Amazing videos and so informative, would anybody know how to re create this effect using roland legendary vst series? the daw of choice is ableton, any help would be great!,, thanks Synthmania! Always amazing content and thank you for taking your time to share your knowledge across all of your videos! ????????

  • A quick question, can you achieve the same effect with modern synths so that it follows the rim shot or drum pattern and the keyboard will play the bass line?

  • How you do this on behringer rd9? 3 trigger outs and a trigger on the display that blank

  • 8:06 The TR-707 (rimshot trigger out) cabled to the Juno-60 (arpeggio clock in) allows for irregular patterns not just straight 1/8s 1/16s. The built-in arpeggiator plugins in Logic Pro X seem only to support regular patterns with a rate knob to specify the length of notes. It would be amazing if we could create a rimshot drum synth track with any step pattern and have an instrument track arpeggiator sync to that rimshot track as trigger. Some of the workflows on old gear are so intuitive and inspiring.

    edit: There is a way in LPX for Alchemy go to the ARP tab enable the ARP mode then change step/multi, or for other software instruments add an ARP midi FX and change from live to grid and enter the steps just like you would with rimshots on the TR-707 and choose a note order. Lots of mouse clicking isn't nearly as fun or easy as using pads on a drum machine but it can be done.

  • Wicked video and love the channel. This actually inspired me to get a JU06a and TR-09. I’ve managed to setup them up so the TR-09 triggers the sequencer, but I can’t for the life of me work out how to get it to trigger the arpeggiator. Do you or anyone on this thread have any advise? Thanks!

  • So then, on boards like my DX9 that doesn't have this kind of trigger input.. I would have to play it manually?

  • I used to do this with a Roland 626 and an Akai S01. I'd write everything in drum patterns, including melodies. Really good fun.

  • Thank you for teaching us our beloved 80's style Synth music. I want to learn more.

  • Hey… thanks for the explanation! (and for including my original question in the video) I have two Juno 60s and have since attempted a similar method using rimshots from other sources with mixed results. I ended up getting one of those Valpower MIDI-DCB units after watching your review. Thanks again:)

  • Can this be done with vst plugins? I would love to learn how to do it….

  • I love your video’s .

    Wish you would do some John Foxx on an Ody with a CR78. ????

    Sure I’ve read you love his work.
    I’m 57 and it was massive for me in my teens.

    Kind regards

  • I had both of these and never knee they could be linked like this. The wonder of the internet.


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