2023- YAMAHA AC3-R Guitar Review in Singapore
This guitar is available from https://shop.sg.yamaha.com/ac3r.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA85efBhBbEiwAD7oLQOEr-j1SJbzUd1eyZfj9Y3reKTyfMOt4ac4jnwFvO9A-C46TZIlCSBoCIx4QAvD_BwE
FMI saddle upgrades done by Jarvis Wong of The Guitar Spa Singapore
#YAMAHA #AC3R #Guitar #Review #Singapore
Originally posted by UCIgtHtAwp99m3dBU1gh542Q at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JFHPNzlArw
Which one do you like more this AC3R or the Martin Shawn mendes?
Nice demo video and great playing????????????!
Excellent playing and review !!!
I got this guitar for $300 from a guy who was moving. Great condition. Love it so much.
Grear vid! Any set up tips? Did you lower the action etc?
Why didn't you let us hear the pickup sound? Probably the most important aspect for musicians playing live.
I literally just got that guitar yesterday!
I just ordered this guitar a few days ago cant wait to get it… got it new on a discount but what really bothers me is no hard case, I can't buy the original Yamaha cases here in Europe because they don't sell any and it doesn't really fit in any other case for guitars this size because unlike most the body is deeper on the AC series and I have no idea what to do now… (edit: can't try out any cases because where I live no guitar stores are close to me).
Gorgeous guitar! Great demo!
Hello! Could you compare AC5R and FSX5? This would be very helpful for people who are looking for a good concert guitar.
New fan here, which one you prefer Yamaha LS16ARE or this AC3R? Need ur advice, man!
You’re a big hearted man. Great review
Which one is better in terms of bass the ac3m or ac3r?
A new fan here man
Sounds great
How much ?????????✌????????????????????????????????????????
can you review the guild om150ce? have you played that guitar?
I went for the ac3m. The same as you played but with mahogany b&s. Much more mellower and boomy! To my ears, rosewood sounds too bright with less bass… but anyway great review!
What's so special about FMI as opposed to bone?
The sounds wonderful and you're playing is superb. I've been waiting for a long time for Yamaha to come out with a guitar like this. A cutaway with solid wood and acoustic resonance enhancement. It looks and it sounds like a guitar that cost three times what this does.
There is no actual "mic" but rather two IR mic captures as well as a Piezo bridge pickup. I own the Japanese version.