Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

3 Exceptional New Overdrives?! | Tales from the Pedal Cabinet – Episode 36

More tales straight from the Andertons pedal cabinet! This time it’s three lovely overdrive pedals from well-respected brands! What will Lee & Pete think of them? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments too! |

» Mythos NV-9 Envy Pro Overdrive Pedal |
» Walrus Audio Voyager MKII Preamp Overdrive Pedal in Black |
» J Rockett Audio Designs PXO Phil-X Signature Boost and Overdrive Pedal |

» Check out all our Overdrive and Distortion Pedals! |

» Hansen Guitars S-Style inca Silver – Rosewood |
» Check out all our Hansen Guitars! |

» Check out all our Les Paul Guitars! |

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⏰ Timestamps ⏰
» 0:00 Introducing the Pedals!
» 0:38 Mythos Envy
» 8:36 Walrus Voyager
» 15:40 J Rockett PXO
»19:49 Picking a Favourite?
» 21:58 Prices
» 22:30 Thanks For Watching!

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To record guitar in the studio we always use Ernie Ball cables, a Universal Audio Apollo X8P Interface, a Shure SM57 Dynamic Microphone and a Royer R-121 Ribbon Microphone.

Please note that Lee Anderton has a personal financial share holding in the following brands – Victory Amplification, Chapman Guitars and Burns Guitars. The EastCoast, Landlord & Ordo brand names are used for Andertons’ own brand products.

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#Exceptional #Overdrives #Tales #Pedal #Cabinet #Episode

Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at

49 thoughts on “3 Exceptional New Overdrives?! | Tales from the Pedal Cabinet – Episode 36

  • I'd find it useful if overdrive demos showed how the pedal goes with various amps run at various settings. What works well with a Deluxe Reverb clean tone might not work well with a AC30 or JCM 800 etc.

    It's also important to test them into an amp that's already overdriving a bit, e.g., a TS808 is not so great into a dead clean JCM 800, but into a fairly cranked one it's glorious.

  • The PXO sounds great, but I can’t justify spending that kind of money on any drive pedal, since I got into the Synergy systems. I can get any preamp from between $350-$399.

  • I have to agree with Pete. J Rockett is totally underrated. Every pedal i hear sounds amazing. I only have the Archer, but I keep wondering why i dont have more.

  • that Tilt control is great. thanks to Shawn Tubbs who put it in his Tilt overdrive and boost 😉

  • "At this point, not a lot of point in choosing this over another ts pedal." Lee, ever the wordsmith there ????

  • Hot Damn! My favorite is the Voyager! Then PXO and the Envy! Great demo…. greetings and Merry Christmas from Hollywood California!

  • With the Envy, when it says a “socketed chip,” Zach, Matthew and Jeff actually have it setup so that you can easily swap out the chip on the board. It’s a quick, easy, and a fun way to make it your own TS.

  • "When you play with yourself you're missing that low end."
    I'd replace the 4558 with a 4580. Similar specs but lower noise and can drive lower impedance loads.

  • People are so full of it it's unreal- reading the comments under any Anderton video you discover all the bedroom experts who think they have it all figured out. There are two camps- 1st you have the posh cork sniffers who pretend anything that isn't NOS with a special chip or diode in it, is just useless crap. Then you have the other extreme, this group of geniuses who run around being like "All you need is a 20$ amp and a board with some rubber bands stretched across it, because no one cares, tone is in the hands, and no one can hear the difference anyway." Neither of them is right, both of them are ready to fight anyone who says differently, and the truth is that both camps have been misled by listening to what other ppl say more than listening to the actual gear in question- which most of them have never owned, never played, never heard other than via the internet. You have ppl saying "In a band context…" then you find out, they're not in a band nor have they ever been in one- that's just what someone told them, or they heard someone say at some point. Just stop already- I promise you're not making yourself look more intelligent, it's not working.

    Edit: Jesus, that made me feel foolish- I was liking the PXO until that bit there toward the end, they do indeed sound all the same when you try and put them all on the lowest gain setting. At least via the internet they do, I would bet in person there are more differences than what we can hear this way. All that said- 360$? LOL- that's ridiculous, nowhere near that good. In fact, I just eBayed it and found it new for 279$- which is a lot more reasonable. I asked the guy how he was selling it for that much less than everyone else new- he said that was based on what he paid for it- so maybe they're starting to realize it's overpriced?

  • I dislike Tube Screamers, but that "Low" button on the Envy pretty much fixes the problem i have with them. Curious why it isn't a regular addition to TS clones.

  • Sometimes pedals have too many knobs and too many options. In a band situation you can’t hear the subtle differences ; you just need an on and an off!

  • I will take a klon style pedal over everything else any day! Love the klon circuit! Happy Holidays guys!

  • the difference in tone from last weeks gibson studio's .. just streets apart.
    the gibson petes playing today is lively, lots of clarity and no rasping sharp high end.

  • For the voyager if you want a traditional screamer boost you do what you did towards the end of your demo of it, near the centre a little bit to the right should be the frequency you want to boost to get a screamer like quality.


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