Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

3 Leaf Audio Proton Envelope Filter – Bass Demo

Back with a demo of another great 3Leaf Audio pedal! The Proton is a funky envelope filter that’s easy to dial in and has just the right amount of options. Sounds great by itself, but blends really well with other pedals as well.

Please SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy, thanks!

Socials Info:
Instagram: @zach.rizer

Bass Used: Dingwall ABZ 6 String
Strings: Thomastik-Infeld Jazz Flats
Rig: Mesa Boogie Subway D800 D.I. into Focusrite Scarlett 4i4
Other effects used: Boss OC-2, WayHuge Pork & Pickle Smalls, 3Leaf Audio Doom 2, Eventide H9.

#Leaf #Audio #Proton #Envelope #Filter #Bass #Demo

Originally posted by UCB22xnUGAlo4DFibs1BOyJw at

28 thoughts on “3 Leaf Audio Proton Envelope Filter – Bass Demo

  • I really think, and I may not be the only one thinking this, but you could certainly do an amazing comparison between the 3Leaf Proton and the Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe. They are fairly close in reverence in the bass community, and a comparison would be wonderful to see/hear.

    Cheers and thank you for putting these kinds of videos out!

  • Lucky enough to have this one. It’s awesome and fairly easy. I said I was lucky because I want a Doom2 and Octabvre and they are out of stock and the used prices online are like double normal price lol smh

  • Outstanding pedal showcasing as always Zachary! Before I BIG SPEND One question: For straight up pure diverse creative variety of easy to dial in and usable deep funky sounds. 3leaf Proton V4, Josh Wah, Wonder Love Deluxe V2, TWA Tiny Dipper Mark II, Or the Discombobulator 2? What one gives me the absolute varied experimental palette out of these in your humble opinion? Rebuilding my new funk sound and I'm back down to one diverse envelope Filter my Macrodose, but looking to put it in the mix with one of those other petals mentioned. All that because I'm still patiently waiting for that Almighty Chromatron to get restocked! Thank U brotha continued excellence????✌️

  • Hi Zach, I'm looking to buy a envelope filter. I'm tossing up between:
    3Leaf Proton
    Micro-Tron IV
    Source Audio Spectrum

    Any preference that you'd recommend?

  • Zach I have been watching your videos since I first got into pedals. You were a big help when I wanted to not only understand effects, but how they work with bass guitar. Thank you.

  • great review! thanks!
    a question, 3leaft proton or Iron Ether Xerograph Dlx for a bubbly, jamiroquai-eske Envelope filter?
    I had the 3 leaf wonderlove before, was nice, but didn't really get what I wanted, many times the filter would just open and the bubblyness was difficult to get consistent with dynamics change in playing. (I am trying to use the filter on the HX stomp now but it is not so good)

  • I was reading the manual while listening and they straight up described the low position for the range control as "extra deep and chonky" Gotta appreciate a company that can have some fun lol

  • I am having the hardest time trying to figure out if i should take the plunge on one of these or keep waiting for a Xerograph Deluxe. Any suggestions from fellow bassheads, or possibly the bass king, Mr Rizer, himself? I'd appreciate it!

  • Agghh… I already have the Chromatron, but i've been eyeing this for its smaller size to go on my compact gigging board. I'm sold.

  • Hey Zach, if you ever got a chance, could you do a Review on the Old Blood Noise Endeavors Haunt Fuzz?

  • Hello nice demo wondering how is this pedal when play loud setting on stage.I've been having problem my envelope filter sound great at low volume,When I have to turn my rig up on stage it goes crazy.

  • Your pedal videos are great but I would love to hear more of your music, your composition and jam videos are awesome!

  • hey Zachary – have you compared this to the 3 leaf WonderLove envelope filter? Would you say it sounds deeper, quicker?

  • Hi Zachary, awesome video as always. I have 1 question, I see that you use often the Moogerfooger MF-101, so the Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe it's not anymore on your board? And do you have in program to do a video demo of the Moogerfooger MF-101?


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