3 Mixing Hacks I’m Thankful For – TheRecordingRevolution.com
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#Mixing #Hacks #Thankful #TheRecordingRevolution.com
Originally posted by UCjRzsiP_aDWWLHV4-2LKBtg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh_-zKHQUSE
I’m gonna trying that 400hz cut asap
Ive watched already over 100 of your videos now and I realised that in every 5th of your video youre talking about exactly the same thing! – EQ, Compressor and another compressor.
Yes its important but these "tips and tricks" videos are exactly about the same thing, you only changing the title. Yeah we know its about subs, comments, likes, shares, yt algorithm, ads and revenue but our time is important as well. Respect it! Filling up your playlist with ghost videos is not the way! One good video would do the job – thanks!
Again man thanks
I'm a little late to the party, but, excellent info! Plus, the song sounds like something I imagine the late Larry Norman would be doing nowadays (which is a compliment).
Listening to the bands you mix and your mixes specifically is really humbling. Great sounding songs and recordings.
Wow you're one hell of a talented sound engineer ????????
Thanks Graham!!! The E.Q. is something that I was doing already doing but I'm going to try th double compression on my next mix and see how it turns out.
thank for the help
excuse my lack of knowledge, but what is the advantage of stacking compressors? why wouldn't you just use one compressor and raise the ratio threshold and gain if you wanted more compression?
Gonna try this now
'The final mixing hack that I'm thankful for, on this thanksgiving.' hahah, awesome videos man.
Oh man. I'm wearing headphones but i can not hear the the differences when he's bypassing stuff. It all sounds the same. Help plz.
HPF, 400k cut, double compressor on vocals.
Can anybody explain that double compression to me?
I really wouldn't EVER do something to EVERYTHING on every channel in your mix just because someone said so. Sorry to be negative but there simply are no one-fits-all processes…
in the same vane as the high pass, you should low pass the kick and bass. Cut out that high end thats not being used.
please suggest me a decent free audio recording and mixing software to make songs of studio quality.
Thanks ????
Also I love the rhythm guitar arrangement!!
wow huge difference and I'm just listening on my laptop 😛
In terms of the 400Hz cut, do folks just add that cut to the existing EQ they already have on the particular track? Or do you add the one band EQ as a separate plug in after the already existing EQ plug in?
instead of highpassing everything you really need to listen when you want to do it. In this case I actually liked the sound more without the hipass. it had more balls
Mast trick
Great tips. A few of those tips were shown to me a long time ago. Especially the 400Hz. I like to cut 400 on all drums except snare. I actually tend to ADD 400 for snare.
Double compression on Vox tip was amazing. I've always had difficulty getting that Vox to "sit on top of the song" as you've put it. Great tip.
Like that song. Where can I find it?
Great advice. I do tend to use a high pass filter on all tracks except on bass and kick in most instances. Occasionally though I may not do this if a track adds a bit more low end that balances the song overall. I always check for muddiness on each track between 200hz and 500hz and make a narrow Q cut of a few db. But I have never heard of stacking compressors on the vocal tracks. Great sounding results on this demo so I will try it on my latest mix. Will let you know the results.
Hey Graham, is that your band on the vid? I want to hear more. I loved it
Who was the band playing on this?
As I'm watching this, I just got an email for your new video! Awesome Bro.!
Hacks? Good description.
HPF, 400k cut, double compressor on vocals.
Perfect just what I needed for my rookie ass skill level
Would it make a difference to simply put a high pass filter and a 400 Hz cut EQ on the mix bus or on the master fader instead of on each single track?
Excellent tutorial. Very useful
Really appreciate your videos. This is a great lesson.
what band is that… sound interesting. One thing for the HP Filter though… on Piano and Hammond Organ, specially when doing Jazz/Acoustic Music suffer if the HP has a too high of a cutoff point. Cutting bellow 50/70 Hz does the trick here. Great vid Graham. Really dig your stuff! Keep it up 🙂
i wonder what are those other vox channels
Thank you! Your videos are amazing and I love that you explain why you're making these decisions!
I appreciate Graham but the only hack is using your ears to decide if a track needs eq or anything at all
yes rolling off low end helps – this isnt a hack.. this is common knowledge to any recording engineer/mixer. A good mastering engineer will handle these basic issues and many more to improve your final track. Too much compression also leave the Mastering person little to do. His analog gear will fatten, warm up and add much amplitude. He will also have EQs that will remove any honk spots. Good work though sir.