3 MOST Important Strumming Techniques
In this short guitar lesson you will quickly learn the 3 MOST important techniques for bettering your guitar strumming. This lesson is for ALL guitar players. Enjoy and leave your feedback below in the comment section. For more guitar help and free resources check out http://www.yourguitarsage.com today.
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#Important #Strumming #Techniques
Originally posted by UCWAuPC_qQWYFvCoM5kkL7Jg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT8hHdbiMOU
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Reminds me of an old girlfriend I dated 40 years ago that was way too much for any one person at the time. She was even more fun once I figured it out…LOL
And grew up a bunch.
Damn, thought it ‘d be without pick
Thanks for the help. Old dude with short fat fingers having a hell of a time, but taking it slow and progressing every day. This all makes me a very happy camper. Thanks again.
When I click on the link for the 30 free videos I get to your paid course. I would like to find the strumming free course please, but I can’t seem to locate it.
Which your video i should watch to learn?my steumming is so so bad with pick and dont know how to strum with finger
What's that song in the beginning
Very helpful ????
i can do barre cords but not up strum
your video is amazing..ive learnt to just slow down..and that so important to start..listening to you from Co kerry. Ireland ???????? ????????..
So here's what happens if you "sign up" for the free lessons – he gets your name and email to add to his list, and you get a screen that says "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing." With the only link being "Forgot Password". I waited awhile for an email that would give me some access, but nothing. So now I suppose I'll be getting spammed.
What if you have to strum through part if the song and pick through other parts as you play alone.
Thank you great advise and lesson
Thank you
I'm about a 10 year beginner on & off & pretty good at that. I've always lived the sound of thin picks. I'm kinda stuck right now & have been but I think watching ur videos I'll definitely have a break thru????????
U talk too much
Watching from Hong Kong
Thanks after years of struggling with strumming, at last someone that gives a good advice for strumming. At last!!!
Most Powerful intro
Thanks ! you have helped me to become a better guitar player , I signed up for your on line scores . i think its well worth the money !!!!
thanks for nice advised…
i strum too hard
Great video… thank you for sharing!!!
Just found you! You make such sense! Can’t wait to watch your free series! Thank you ????
Guys, let me tell you something that will happen in your beginner journey. That something will be that you start to enjoy watching guitar tutorials. They will stop feeling like school work and they will start being understandable, you will understand what is being said. It will happen.
amazing video. thanks so much sir 🙂 u r the most encouraging teacher around
1. use a thin pick 0:35
2. understand how to count 3:06
3. watch the free video series on strumming 4:10–4:44
4. go slow to go fast (practice slowly without chords) 4:50
Thanks so much ???????????? love the examples/comparisons hehe ????????
Great video. Great breakdown. Learn things separately and THEN bring them together. Absolutely. Most Importantly, learn to COUNT. Count, Count and Count. Everything should be on count consciously or subconsciously. Get the basics right and things become lot easier
The thing is that 10 minutes of very focused slow practice will yield results very quickly. I do it on everything I’m trying to improve on — it’s the best kept secret.
Thanks great advice????
To me it's easier to use Dynamics with thinner picks.
How can i communicate with you teacher.i want more knowledge sir.am Thomas froma Tanzania
Ok put im my email , then i got added to some list, but to get to the 30 videos you have to be registered and i saw no place for that. Please help, sure im missing a simple step but dont see it.
Thanks for the free karma ???? I totally thumbed up for free karma.
This lesson sounds really good.
Your tutorial on Rock w you is the best. Thanks for all your time it is much appreciated.
Erich, what do you mean by “ don’t trust the man”? Sorry if I’m naive.
good stuff
is this abraham from peaky blinders?
once you can do it slow .. you can do it fasterrr….. #2setwiolin
Thanks for the vid! You really touched on things on I've been having trouble with. I'll check out the website for sure. Never trust the man!
Thanks for the hair tip ????
thanx eric started following your vedioes today. great promie to sincirely follow
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