Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

3 things you NEED to do with your Princeton Reverb Amp

(No mods required, btw ????) Just wanted to see how well the tips in my Deluxe Reverb video apply to the Princeton Reverb. So, why aren’t you doing these things?!

I’m playing nearly the same solo off the top of my head as I did at the top of the Deluxe Reverb video just for comparison’s sake.

BUY MY FIRST COURSE HERE: https://www.brettpapa.com/tools-for-the-creative-guitarist-justin-ostrander

0:00 Intro
0:50 Tip #1: 10 Treb 10 Bass ≤3
2:30 same solo as an example
3:40 Tip #2: Use it as a head
5:35 Tip #2.5: You can fit a 12″ speaker in this cabinet
8:08 Tip #3: Use my “473” settings with a pedalboard. (Maybe start at 4 on the volume; 6 can have a bit too much breakup on many Princeton Reverb amps)
14:30 Will this work on YOUR amp?
14:46 Please SUBSCRIBE if you haven’t 🙂
15:08 The entire point of me doing this channel
16:01 I will be offering some courses in the near(-ish) future!
16:35 My brief musical background and history
17:55 What I look at and how I think about the fretboard
18:34 Please subscribe if you haven’t 🙂


PolyTune headstock tuner https://sweetwater.sjv.io/k0znKV

D’Addario NYXL 10-46 https://sweetwater.sjv.io/daLXW2
D’Addario NYXL 11-49 https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Nkzdx1
D’Addario 10.5-48 (VERY COOL) https://sweetwater.sjv.io/y2yDKG
D’Addiaro Baritone 13-62 https://sweetwater.sjv.io/

Dunlop Large glass slide 213 https://sweetwater.sjv.io/k0zndV

Revv Shawn Tubbs Tilt Overdrive https://sweetwater.sjv.io/0ZmraE
Nobels ODR-1 Natural Overdrive https://sweetwater.sjv.io/oqz2ME

Line6 HX Effects https://sweetwater.sjv.io/g1DznX
Eventide H9 MAX https://sweetwater.sjv.io/EK9n6D
Strymon Mobius Modulation https://sweetwater.sjv.io/75yAg5
Strymon Timeline delay https://sweetwater.sjv.io/LXnvk0
Meris Mercury7 Reverb https://sweetwater.sjv.io/q4ARdg
Meris Polymoon Delay https://sweetwater.sjv.io/rQGvdD

Revv D20 https://sweetwater.sjv.io/6eAaLQ
UA OX Amp Top Box https://sweetwater.sjv.io/vNyLk3

Lots of you have asked how you can support the channel. So here are a couple of links. Thanks a ton!
Paypal tip jar: ostrandermusic@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar: @justinostrander

#Princeton #Reverb #Amp

Originally posted by UCMR8EDIc1n5TunXTMR77R1A at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f0zYbKhkU0

21 thoughts on “3 things you NEED to do with your Princeton Reverb Amp

  • at 8:40 did you turn on the ODR C? The black pedal version? I just got a 50s series with p90s and that tone there at 8:40 is exactly what im going for. I do also have a princeton.

  • I’ve always wanted a Princeton Reverb with a 12” speaker. I think there’s a model out there like that (maybe), or a custom 12” pine cab would be great. Has anyone out there tried that?

  • Sounds just incredible Justin. It could be that the Princeton Reverb is the one amp most of us need in our lives. So I just snagged a 68 "Drip Edge" Princeton Reverb off of "Reverb" , so I could find out for myself. I love your channel btw. Thanks

  • Thanks for all the information here, I appreciate I’m subscribed!

    Listen, si own an edition with a Celestion G10 Greenback speaker.
    Have you ever tried that speaker and your opinion please

  • Fender makes a 12” version of the Princeton with a slightly larger cabinet and an alnico speaker. It sounds huge, almost 3D. Same Princeton tones, but fuller and louder, and more headroom. But it will still break up really nicely when you push it past 8 or 9 on the volume. Great option if you need a little more than the 10” Princeton can do, but a Deluxe reverb is overkill for what you need.

  • Justin, Happy New Year from Madison, Ct. Jus "discovered" your channel. Subscribed immediately. Recently on a deep dive into the Deluxe Reverb is how I believe the grand algo brought us together. I wanted to share my gratitude with you in regards to you sharing your music wisdom with us. Your YouTube "niche" is spot on. I can only imagine how inspirational playing in a band with you would be…. great players make everyone around them better! Thanks for sharing your experience, lifetimes of insight, to lift us all. Incredible! Best, Jeremiah

  • Hi Justin, your playing is amazingly good !! I know it's an old thread but which pog do you use when you show the env follower trick ( coz there are many different pogs now ) Thank you so much for all your advices if you ever see this commentary ( sorry fo my english , I'm french )

  • My Princeton came with a Jenson P 12 Q and I thought it just didn't sound good. I know you said that the cab doesn't like a 12. So if I put a Vintage 30 12 in it is it going to sound any better? By the way putting the volume and treble up to 10 made it sound pretty cool. I figured out right away to put the bass way down.

  • Great video. Princeton Reverb are truly such a beautiful sound. I was happy to see your pedal settings are basically where I've come accustom to starting off when trying to add overdrive to a sound. Is it time for an update. Got any new tips yet? I need to try to run mine into a cab.

  • The 473 setting is great. Is my go to setting (albeit in digital format). Shimmery, chimey and warm.. what's not to like? Thank you for sharing!

  • Hey Justin, love your channel, thank you for sharing! I just bought a PR and thinking of getting an 1×12 ext cab. I’m curious… would a 1×12 combo amp be able to be used AS a ext cab with the PR. For example, a Morgan combo instead of a Morgan cab? Would there be any sonic differences when just using a Morgan combo (or other amp with the ability to connect the speaker to an ext source) in this setup? Thank you ????????


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