Saturday, February 22, 2025

35 thoughts on “4 Bass Guitar Tips (Before Picking Up The Bass)-Anthony Crawford

  • Thanks for the great advice!!! I put rice in a large bowl and warm it up in the microwave (1min 30 sec) and open and close my hands in it 140 times. It gets the blood flowing all in my hands and wrist.

  • Thank you for the tips namely the warm water on the hands I combine this with streches, exercise is paramount especially back exercises. I find if I'm aggravated playing bass relaxes me. Oh and I will eat my fuckn veggies yum ????

  • I had a hand cramp in band rehearsal. It scared the crap out of me. I barely managed to hide it. But I was ok later. It felt like the end of the world.

  • I thought I was the only one that soaked my hands. That was great confirmation. Excellent tips ????????

  • Had my hand cramp half way through a set once. It was awful. I wound up fretting with my index finger only.

  • Trying to get healthier, haha. Never heard of soaking of my hands so I'll have to try that. Thanks for the tips and your input. Much respect.

  • What basses do you have? How do these basses help your playing?
    Why did you start playing the 6 string bass? What 6 string basses do you think are good that are sub $1500?

  • i just want to say thank you sooo much for that information it has truly helped. me allot. i am a beginner bass player and love it. i learn fast on the bass and now I'm getting request to play at events. i will admit when i get nervous i tence up and sometimes forget my notes. i play great at home in the music room though. the other issue is that when the drummer plays with full force it makes me jump. cause its sooo loud then i miss a note again. however i do pratice allot. do you jave any ideas?

  • Soaked my hands for a few minutes and was amazed @ the difference it made. So then the next time I figured I'd try soaking them longer but I must have over-done it because all the calluses began to flake and peel off my fingers. Now I've got to play until my fingers bleed and then play some more all over again.
    Warning; do not soak hands for hours at a time, it is counter-productive. A few minutes is all that's necessary.

  • what you are saying is great,, however I am turned off by the profanity. You would have more success without the swearing.

  • Hi, Anthony,  I'm a drummer and I have subscribed to your channel because many of the points you speak of I believe are relevant to all players.  Thank you!  Love your work, btw.


  • Anthony, how can you hear those melody's? He's right I heard another chiropracter said just drink vegetable juice for two weeks and you'll lower your blood pressure. I also had a guitar teacher ask me once about my diet. I laughed! He said it'simportant don't laugh.

  • LOL! I use to wear winter gloves for a whole. Can't wait to try the water. Thanks!

  • Thanks for the helpful tips. I'm interested in your approach to practice. How and what you practice, and for how long?

  • "eat your fucking vegetables" is fantastic. Great video, I've seen it four times, i will take your advices to heart. P. S. : years ago a doctor told me to soake my forearms in warm water before playing!

  • Anthony, you're awesome. Teach us some more grooves. And make sure you eat your fuckin vegetables! 🙂

  • I feel like I'm already a better bass player just only by watching your amazing tutorial. Now I'm ready to go on a tour with Allan Holdsworth instead of you. LOL


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