4 Important Bass Guitar Arpeggios (useful in bass lines)
???? Music Theory For Bass Players course: https://onlinebasscourses.com/music-theory-for-bass-players
Full lesson: https://onlinebasscourses.com/lessons/theory/2-notes-per-string-bass-arpeggios/
Bass Guitar shorts ????
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#Important #Bass #Guitar #Arpeggios #bass #lines
Originally posted by UClSFbAjrCEoL0wUwUHFEAjQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY2bvaYc1VE
What is the number and triangle and red circles stands for?
Can those same formations slide up and down the fretboard per key??
If I slide that F#m7b5 formation up a fret will that be the entire formation in Gm7b5?
worst Song ever is in H !
I'm getting back into bass after a 20-year hiatus. Your lessons are very motivating and sources of wonderful inspiration. Thanks to you I am not discouraged by the magnitude of the task, I particularly love the short format and the arpeggios.
Sounds awesome
Just getting up here in Virginia. I'll be practicing that in a half hour.
Ty Dan is the best teacher n player. He motivates youl just love to play n I'm 65 years old . still have my hair n rocking It.
Exactly what I expected ????????