Sunday, December 22, 2024

17 thoughts on “4 Led Zeppelin Riffs No One Ever Talks About #ledzeppelin #jimmypage #guitar #guitarriff #riff

  • The under-rated songs are OK by me, otherwise the radio would have played them to death.

  • Plant was always the culprit when it didn't work. Houses of the Holy a prime example of not matching the majesty of the band.

  • I would suggest Walter's Walk as a strong underrated Zeppelin song. Tight fast paced rhythm with some high flying riffs. Page may not be the fastest or most technically sound all-time guitarist but there is no denying his eclectic range & vast diversity of sound &style. It's these reasons that has always drawn me to the LedZep catalog.

  • Lately I've rediscovered For Your Life. Has a dirty grunginess that sounds better now than when I first heard the album in 1976. I like how subtle and casual it is. A real slow burner that builds to an intense lead that's not showy or overcooked. It's really stood the test of time and aged like a fine wine. ????

  • all the ones you've mentioned are my favourites by led zeppelin ???? I'd add Achilles Last Stand to the list, a great showcase of Bonham' prowess and just so many beautiful riffs and solos, and I also find it to be truly underrated

  • Jimmy Page conquered hearts for his virtuosity on the guitar, Producer, very beautiful and sexy!! Creator of the best band of all time.✌️????????????

  • If only there wasn’t a screaming bitch on vocals Led Zeppelin would have been the best band ever.

  • Can't stand the misinformation. In My Time of Dying has always been in A. And G for The Celebration Day version to accommodate Robert's aging voice.

  • I love the sound Jimi page gets from the guitar. It's just so cool. I got the shivers when I first heard him at the age of 12. I get the same great feeling as an old fuck.

  • If this is true, playing 'In My Time of Dying' in A on the record and G live could have more to do with Robert Plant preserving his voice in live performance by singing in a lower register.


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