Sunday, February 23, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

4 Steps To Creating Great Math Rock Tone With Amp Sims

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Hey there. Steve here. In this video, I check out the latest @MateusAsato @NeuralDSP Archetype Plugin. I share my experiences with using is, show you step-by-step how to dial in a guitar rig using it, and at the end of tell you if I would recommend using it or not.

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#guitar #guitarlesson #mathrock

#Steps #Creating #Great #Math #Rock #Tone #Amp #Sims

Originally posted by UC9zrdUfI9Ern67Ax657gEkg at

22 thoughts on “4 Steps To Creating Great Math Rock Tone With Amp Sims

  • An important thing with plugins is to set the input level correctly on the interface. There was a misconception going around that you should set your INPUT gain to zero on the interface.
    DO NOT DO THIS. It will ruin your signal to noise ratio.
    Instead set the gain just below clipping in the interface and use a gain/clipper plugin (or the input level in the plugin) to bring the gain down. (Usually 8-12db reduction in my experience.)
    This gives the plugin the correct input gain and maximises signal to noise.

  • Do you think i could get a math rock tone with an ibanez rg421? I've heard its a very versatile guitar

  • Hey Steve! I got a neural dsp nolly and plini canI make that one with this?

  • super cool video, thanks for going so in-depth with it!
    very helpful for me to get my tones up there ^^

    one small note, from someone who has been using NDSP for a while: when you click the little button on the bottom to the left of the cabs, you 'unchain' them and you can basically use all three of those cabs with whatever amp you choose~

  • Ayo Steve NeuralDSP just released Morgan AC-20, any plans demoing that? This is just your kind of stuff!

  • Hey Steve, not sure if you mentioned this, but if you go into your output device's advanced settings and change the sample rate to something higher than default, it becomes functionally lagless. A lot of old heads complain about the input lag of going into plugins because they don't know about this setting. I'll screenshot mine below, I usually just use 96k because that's already under 1.5ms input lag, kinda diminishing returns past that.

    (The only negative side effect of this I have found is that it breaks rocksmith's spaghetti code)

  • As someone who owns nothing but an orange micro dark and Guitar Rig 6 this is the exactly the kind of video I wanted to see

  • Also a just as important tip for these, especially Neural DSP, turn down the input lvl on the plugin anywhere from 5-15db and magically your heavy crunch turns into a buttery clean

  • What I noticed is that no matter how good an Amp Sim sounds, the problem is me having to sit in front of a screen which is really killing my creativity and 1,000 things distracting me. My best ideas came when walking around my flat with my tele on a strap without any amplification at all (with my semi-hollow it sounded somewhat okay). And I tried many amp sim plugins and even costly solutions like Strymon Iridium. Still they all didnt really have convincing crunch tones. And to even get a tone I was somewhat pleased I had to try so many IRs and settings that I just lost fun playing my guitar at home.

    What I will try in the future will be mini amps for home use. I hope theyll sound good but Im sooo looking forward to forgetting about booting up my laptop, connecting my interface, all these cables and buttons. Just plug and play is the way for me I guess.

  • Light overdrive into fender style amp with a telecaster on the middle pickup should be called "The Steve". Math rock guitarists world wide could say 'gimme The Steve'

  • Thank you man! as someone who is constantly battling their computer and software to find a good math rock tone, this helped out so much. I live in south korea too! It's great to see someone so passionate about being an ambassador for math rock to this generally math rock devoid country!

  • Guitarix is a good option for those that don’t like proprietary, closed-source, nonfree software.


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