Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassBass Amps

5 Hi-Quality Bass Cabinet Comparison Markbass、Genzler、Bergantino、Phil Jones Bass、Mesa、

Bass:Alleva Coppolo LM5
Strings:DR Pure blues 45-125
Amp:Epifani UL501 (EQ Flat)
MIC:sE Electronics VR2 70%、RODE NT1 30%
Audio Interfaces:Antelope Orion Studio 2017

Phil Jones Bass C67
Bergantino NXT210
Mesa Subway 210
Genzler Bass Array 12-3
Markbass Standard 104HF

#HiQuality #Bass #Cabinet #Comparison #MarkbassGenzlerBergantinoPhil #Jones #BassMesa

Originally posted by UC-J0z1HnLNfMtrRXowytyFg at

37 thoughts on “5 Hi-Quality Bass Cabinet Comparison Markbass、Genzler、Bergantino、Phil Jones Bass、Mesa、

  • Why would they put the Genzler 112 in this comparison when Genzler makes a 210 in a bass array cab?

  • Very, very good comparison. I have a PJB and a Mesa, and this shows the same differences I hear. However, I like both and use them with different basses to get exactly the right match to get a killer tone. The only limitation of this comparison is how they perform live. For me, the PJB projects and the Mesa fills the room, so it depends on the venue and how the bass is supposed to fit in a band context.

  • So I've played through the Phil Jones, the Mesa and the mark bass. Phil Jones couldn't handle volume or low end. And don't even bother bringing a low B string to that amp. I'm sure it's fine if you're playing nothing but 12 bar blues and a small three-piece band but if you're in a rock band don't even bother with Phil. I had that thing out of the box for 30 minutes before I packed it up and sent it back to Sweetwater. Mesa, come on, it's a freaking Mesa. Of course it's going to be great. I've been using the subways for the last 3 years but my back has gotten so bad after several surgeries That I can't lift them anymore despite the fact that they're relatively light. So I went over to mark bass. I bought a 210 at 23 lb And a 112 at 24 lb. Matched up with my dark glass alpha Omega, no need to look anywhere else. So if anybody is looking for some mint condition Mesa cabinets, let me know ????

  • Wow. That Bergantino takes the prize for me. Great sounding cab that seems to handle the lows a bit better than the PJB.

  • It is unlikely that I would ever play what he is playing. It's nice. How about the baseline to "I Feel Good" or "Knock on Wood". That would be useful

  • I agree and you always hear people slapping, or playing in the upper range with a pick. I slap some but for the most part use the big, fat, round lower tones while playing pop and Motown classics. I need a cab to excel at this.

  • I have this Markbass cab, and it sounds great, however the Bergantino sounded a fuzz better to me in this video.

  • Given the flat settings on the amp I liked the Berg and the Genzler. I think a comparison of the cabs with the "optimal" (or various) amp settings for each would have added value. I found both the Mark and the Mesa a tad mid-heavy through my studio monitors. The PJB sounded great with the thumb/slap in Demo 1 but not so good on the finger style playing.

  • Mesa won for me, but the Genzler was a close 2nd. The genzler had just a smidge too much low end that I could see getting muddy in a band context. the Mesa had all the right characteristics!

  • No demo spending time playing in the lower range for a bit? How do bass cabs get demoed without a bunch of stuff all mostly below the 5th fret? Low B string riffing would be useful to hear too.

  • Phil Jones is clear BUT has no real low end. We are playing BASS aren't we?

  • The Bergantino, PJB, and Markbass got my attention because they have more clarity. As far as a better-balanced sound, I'd go with the PJB or the Bergantino with Berg as my 1st choice!

  • I find Mesa cab's to be really tight to where kt sounds like the speakers don't move, almost "dead" sounding

  • for this style, the brightest the better. I dont think is a worthy comparison because is only one aspect of many that a bass can bring.

  • SPL at low freq seems slighted on Markbass, as well as too much muted color. Mesa sounds a little sterile – cardboard. PJB seems best at low freq, less color down. Genzler happy medium. Bergantino best average

  • I have played and owned Epifani (ul 901 and the Piccolo 555) and their Ul cabs, Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 with the Sl 201 and 1×15, and the markbass 1×12 and 2×10 traveler with the vintage 500. All amazing amps and speakers, but I actually prefer the Markbass Rig now. Plenty of power and clarity (flexible setup as most of the time I just run the 1×12 on stage and DI into the pa. It cuts through every time. And really light as a bonus

  • I noticed that only pjb and bergantino can cut through the mix. Others sound mushy already, imagining that it live scenario b string would hard to hear.


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