5 illegal guitar techniques that sound INSANE
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#illegal #guitar #techniques #sound #INSANE
Originally posted by UCZvo8TZtUZkLgiH3rJsj-Ow at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfuZ58-hoO8
Ich weiß jetzt nicht was illegal an der Technik war, aber für den clickbait solltest Du weggesperrt werden.
Muted legato is mine.
Well ????
How much does your guitar cost?
Bruh that Modular Picking I can already imagine a song coming out of it.
All were amazing ????
Awesome Bernth????
Nice su sick
#4 sounded like one of the songs from System of a Down
Selective picking anytime
All of its in a polyphia track
My God ???? that's something else
???????????? Awesome Shit my dood!!
I’m convinced this man is able to outshred just about anyone
Holy shitzzznet
we have one guy to thank for pretty much all of this especially selective picking and muted legato and it's tosin abasi
So modular picking is just muted sweeps?
All of them sounds good in my opinion!
1 or 3
I rather hear Chuck Berry
modular picking and modern picking. ❤❤???? You sound so nice. imma practice hard everyday
4 and 5
nice bro! really! #1 #4 #5
I can barely pick the intended string when I play the guitar.
I still accidentally hit the G string when aiming for the the D string ????
Modular picking
Modular picking hits different ????
They all sound good. The best, perhaps selective picking and modern tapping
idk man i just play power chords
Me:hmm they sound all good…WINNER BERNTH!!
Modern tapping
I like one
All of it way to go????!!!