Saturday, February 22, 2025
BassBass Guitar

$5 SONG REVIEWS LIVESTREAM #41 – Let’s Review Your Music!

Sup Shredders! Welcome to this $5 SONG REQUEST LIVESTREAM!
– Submit a track within the first hour to get your music reviewed!

– I can’t be flexible on these, please be aware of them before purchasing a request.

SONG REQUEST LINK (visit here to send me your song!):

1) I will listen to your song request, whether it be an original or a favorite song of yours, using the info you’ve provided.
2) I can only listen to the song on Spotify, YouTube, or any other webpage that doesn’t require a subscription to use.
3) Please include the artist/band name, song name and a link to the music in the request message.
4) I will listen to a maximum of 5 minutes worth of ONE song. If the song is over 5 minutes, I’ll listen until the 5-minute mark.
5) If I receive a song that is flagrantly offensive, borderline unlistenable or that causes a copyright block on the livestream, I’ll need to skip it. Apologies for any inconvenience – if you’re worried that it might get copyright blocked, use a Spotify link.
6) These are honest reviews. I can’t give refunds for feedback that you don’t like. The premise of this livestream is that it’s honest feedback and an overall analysis of these tunes. Apologies for any inconvenience there.
7) Superchats DO NOT RESULT IN A REQUEST. You have to go through Ko-Fi to request a song!
8) Finally – there is no skipping the queue, and you can probably assume that there’s a queue if I’m listening to songs. The best way to avoid missing out is to be at the livestream, on time, which is 6PM Pacific Time, Sunday-Thursday.

Any proceeds that come from these livestreams will either go towards improving the equipment/setup used in the livestreams and/or to keep the lights on in my studio and abode.

Stay cool, Shredders – Spiderhands Out!


Originally posted by UCMTfuJSfMHN6rw03JF75Grw at

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