50 Jazz Blues Licks – #26 Tommy Flanagan – Guitar Lesson – David Hamburger
FULL POST: http://bit.ly/50JazzBlues26
DAVID HAMBURGER: http://bit.ly/DavidHamburger
MORE GUITAR LESSONS: http://bit.ly/TrueFire
***50 Jazz Blues Licks is an exclusive series of video guitar lessons by David Hamburger covering the jazz blues styles of historically great guitarists like Geoge Benson, Kenny Burrell, Joe Pass, and many others. A new lick will be released each week, so be sure to subscribe and check back often!***
#Jazz #Blues #Licks #Tommy #Flanagan #Guitar #Lesson #David #Hamburger
Originally posted by UCiReSwhx7y_LpNFNg4GCuCQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvvDuLJJIiU
This is absolutely great!!!
He looked at me at 0:33 , I swear.
Hey David,this series of bebop,licks, has totally turned my playing style-vocabulary in a new direction! Very cool tasty phrasing, I think Im' gonna grow me a hip-dude beard like yours, I am always ready for the next installment,thx!!!
Very inspiring. Great vid lesson
sounds really good
Amazing tash 😀
Fantastic david great licks.