Wednesday, March 12, 2025

50 Years of Fylde Guitars

We first published this nearly a year ago, so it’s now “Fifty one years of Fylde Guitars!”
A celebration of 50 years of Roger Bucknall making the finest guitars and mandolin family of instruments. Featuring: Eric Bibb; Clive Carroll; Troy Donockley; Martin Carthy; Gordon Giltrap; Remi Harris; Richard Hawley; Megan Henwood; David Holmes; Peter Howarth; Seth Lakeman; Jule Malischke; Will McNicol; David Mead; Ken Nicol; Adam Palma; Martin Simpson; John Smith; Pete Townshend; Ben Walker and Chris While. THE TEAM at FYLDE GUITARS; Alex Reay; Paul Ferrie; Moira Bucknall and of course Roger Bucknall MBE.

#Years #Fylde #Guitars

Originally posted by UCiTvnDeqiWqKlFz7015ZLeA at

13 thoughts on “50 Years of Fylde Guitars

  • I have an Orsino which my wife bought me from Gough and Davy music shop in Hull. We couldn’t really afford it and paid for it in instalments. I play left handed and it was a right handed instrument. After a few years I contacted Roger and he agreed to alter the bridge and nut to left handed. Even though I have a Gibson J45 and a couple of Martins my favourite is the Fylde, I love it. I play a lot on zoom folk clubs since the pandemic and people often say show us your guitar, it sounds great. Thank you Roger.

  • Great video, thank you though i never heard of Fylde guitars till recently, im very much s acoustic guitar fan

  • Most 'luthiers' put their own name on the headstock. I think it says a lot about Roger's lack of narcissism and self-aggrandisement that he named his after the region where he had his work shop. We could do with more people like him.

  • Wanted a Fylde guitar since 1976. Other things happened and I eventually got one last year. It's a 1983 Oberon and it is amazing. In the meantime, In the meantime, I'd been in touch with Roger off and on and he has always been charming, generous of his time and advice. The Oberon needed a lot of work. I know a local luthier and Roger stayed in contact with him through the restoration process. Once again, he came through with unlimited help and advice about a guitar he made over 40 years previously. Fab bloke (fab guitar, too). It sounds totally different from any of my other guitars. Also the bonus of seeing Nic and Joe Jones again. Saw them at Cambidge on Nic's return tour (a good few years back now) – an amazing performance.

  • I should be on commission! The amount of people who have adored the sound and looks of my Fylde! I could have sold my old Caliban (c1978!) a thousand times had they been lefties and I'd been willing ..but I'm not and it will go with me to my grave…in a thousand years time!????

  • I have loved my Fylde Falstaff bought from Roger in 1985 and recently repaired by him nearly 40 years later. Thank you Roger for the joy you bring all guitar lovers!


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