Sunday, March 9, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

7 Budget Friendly (But Rad) High Gain Amps!

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Let’s talk about my 7 favorite budget high gain guitar amps!

The Amps:
Orange Micro Dark:
Soldano SLO Mini:
Boass Katana Head:
Orange Super Crush:
Peavey 6505 Mini:
EVH 5150 Iconic:

Time Stamps:
0:00 – Start
0:20 – Intro
0:55 – The Budget
1:24 – Amp 1
2:21 – Amp 2
6:37 – Amp 3
7:55 – Amp 4
8:56 – Amp 5
9:59 – Amp 6
11:10 – Amp 7
12:33 – Wrap Up

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#Budget #Friendly #Rad #High #Gain #Amps

Originally posted by UCs9AN-WTBsWP72aewXlNKUA at

50 thoughts on “7 Budget Friendly (But Rad) High Gain Amps!

  • First thing I do at a live show check the stage for any mini amps, if I see one I turn my back to band ????

  • I personally use a Joyo meteor with a boss SO and 6band EQ in front. Gets me that 80s tone

  • I got a certified refurbished by the manufacturer 6505 MH for $440, and it's a beast.
    Paired with a Sound Town 2×12 bought empty for $240 loaded with a pair of V30s (2021 and 2022) that cost $160 each.
    A brutal setup for exactly 1K, Tax-Free, free shipping.

  • I know this is way old. But while we're on the subject (lol). I've got two Line 6 sleepers for ya. They make a lot of stuff, they move on fast, and they don't support older gear, which sucks imo. But look for these 2 used. There's a 100 watt Line 6/Bogner tube head, you can find one used for $500. Its killer. And I've got Flextone HD head, that I paid $200ish for. The models sound great, it gets as crunchy as you want with no weird artifacts, and with 2 cabs its 300 solid state watts, if you need to tear the roof off the place.

  • Im a complete beginner and am thinking of getting the orange micro dark and a small cab for it ????

  • I love my BluGuitar Amp1 Iridium! For around $850, its 100w (LOUD!!) that can easily mimic multiple high gain amp styles (Mesa Rec, Marshall DSL, Peavy 5150/6505, Soldano, Engl, etc) just by simply tweaking the overdrive voicing, master and gain and the very, very usable EQs knobs. And it's small enough to live on a pedal board (I personally run it on a 24"x16" board with effect pedals). I jam with multiple "different sounding" modern metal bands and they're all amazed by the brutal heavy tones this thing can deliver ( i run it through an T75+V30s in X pattern 4×12), and that I can also convincingly mimic their $4000 – $5000 rigs at fraction of the price! Check 'em out if you haven't yet!

  • I’m currently using a Synergy 2 with the Bogner Ecstasy and Vai preamps, but if I had to go budget I think I would consider the Hews and Ketner Black Spirit 200 watt. Looks like a nice all purpose amp for around $989 at Sweetwater.

  • I’d throw in the Grandmeister 36 as a good all-around amp. It’s a pretty great jack of all trades, master of none. However, you do get midi control and 99 banks of different tones with their controller.

  • I gig with the orange super crush 100 paired with a crush pro 4×12. Played a show last week and one of the other bands had PRS MT15. Great to see these amps make the list.

  • I recently picked up an Orange micro dark to use as a lighter rig for rehearsals.

    It is deceptive for its size. Just under half volume, it was able to keep up with a full band, and it also can get quiet enough for the apartment levels of playing. It sounds great. It's darker sounding than my 50w EVH.

    It's so small that it fits in my pedal board bag

    If I needed to, I would gig it.

  • I sold my MT15 to some dude like a year ago as I just wasn’t using it enough. Hindsight I kinda wish I kept it but it makes me happy to hear the dude who bought has been using it as his main amp for shows and recording, while I was using it just as home practice amp so I’m happy it’s getting used for more than collecting dust. More than a year later now he’s still using it as his main amp ????????

  • Bro I looked up your Dragged Under band, I typically don’t like screamo punk but I think your shit is real sick! It’s got class for sure. Love the band and your channels got great content.

  • Fluff. Great video… just bought the PRS MT 15 and the Peavey 6505 is next!! Also , I was pleased to see Better Help and your talk about it . Thank you !

  • A dude getting mental health help before a gig in Germany is the most metal thing I’ve heard today ????????????

  • I’m new (like, literally fresh as fuck) to the Half-Stack game and I’m trying to find something entry level, but worth my while. This video is basically exactly what I’m looking for, minus audio examples/references. Thanks, dude!

  • I’ve been wanting to get back into playing guitar as of late I have been kinda depressed about the cost about it. To play doom/Stoner/sludge stuff always requires (or so I’ve been told) big huge and silly expensive rigs. This has changed my mind indefinitely on the need for big rigs

  • "I'm going to list down the best budget metal amps!"
    (One of them is a modeller and over half of these aren't budget amps at all!)

  • You can find a used Jet City JCA22H for around $300, and it's basically a Soldano. I love mine and think it's almost as good as my Laney IRT120H.

  • The boss katana mkii head is not good for metal I have a Marshall 4×12 cab and am in a band with another guitarist and bassist and drummer and it cannot get loud enough or even meet half the volume and let alone bass , it’s a very good beginner amp/ head and doesn’t need a cab but yeah don’t recommend to anybody planning to play with people at least for metal

  • BetterHelp! Thank you for having a sponsor that can actually help make this world a better place and great video. I have the Boss Katana MKII head but looking for a tube head on a budget and your video really helped me make a choice.


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