Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

7 Fun, Quick & Easy Guitar Tricks

Learn my system for playing guitar with Samurai Guitar Theory
Merch https://www.shopsamuraiguitarist.com

Individual Tips:
1. Shifting Pentatonic Inversions 00:23
2. The Hendrix Barre Chord 01:55
3. Minor Third/Double Bend 03:15
4. Dave Matthews Chords 04:09
5. Open String E Minor Pentatonics 05:29
6. Moving Open Chords 06:28
7. Right Hand Embellishments 07:38

Instagram @samuraiguitarist
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Guitarist/Songwriter/Samurai Born in the Manitoba prefecture of Canada, samuraiguitarist, Steve-san Onotera, honed his discipline under the study of the country’s most powerful musical sensei. Bred on rock, raised on the blues, trained in jazz, samuraiguitarist creates incredibly innovative videos that showcase his talents on the guitar.

#Fun #Quick #Easy #Guitar #Tricks

Originally posted by UCj1Jtb8xLUzFAm8J-Q1e1MQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b3xIG4HzuU

44 thoughts on “7 Fun, Quick & Easy Guitar Tricks

  • Kills me how many times you say "over top" rather than "over the top". It's like your weird language nuances are trying to distract my mind

  • What a great video and your guitar work is awesome!!!

    I have to say, watching this video was kind of like hearing the list of things I have done recounted back to me ????????????????????with only a few exceptions. A lot of these are little things that you discover when playing guitar for a while that SOUND hard, but actually come very easily to a mind that has created them. However, I am a little scared to trying learn YOUR open pentatonic licks. Coming up with my own, at the same speed, sure. But learning yours… That's more of a challenge. Maybe I should challenge myself.

    One thing I definitely did not do was the latin handstrumming thing. That is so far from being my thing hahahaha but it IS a fascinating demonstration. So THAT's how they do that!

    You should think about making another one of these for drop D 😀

  • Can you tell us where to start with learning technique, chords, keys, scales? I can play some songs, but I dont know what am I playing. Never learned theory. Can you help? Give some advice, website anything? Thank you vwry much ????

  • These were neither quick, nor easy. But, I only started learning guitar last month, so I think I may have to come back to these later on in my journey. thanks!

  • Instead of the Hendrix barre chord, just don't play the low E, and let the bass player cover that. Take the low E off in fact, and you have the Keith Richards version of the same basic idea.

  • I've done the Hendrix barre chord for years because it was just easier than doing an actual barre chord, now it's just become a natural part of my playing

  • Biffy Clyro wrote a whole song with the Dave Matthews chord shapes, it‘s called many of horror and it‘s beautiful!

  • The valuable scissors maternally tease because ray ultrastructurally entertain toward a phobic balance. minor, resolute camel

  • Just barely cant do the Hendrix bar, can't raise knuckles enough to let strings ring out, need bigger hands… or less meaty hands, iunno

  • The open notes for pentatonic scales makes me think of Brad paisley.
    I’d love to see you dive into his ridiculously innovative style in a video!

  • I suppose it’s because I was already a musician before I picked up guitar almost eight months ago, but I started doing all these things by instinct and watching great guitarists—you included—play. Of course it helps when someone shows me a formal version of any of these techniques, but it seems to me that most every technique beyond what is done in Classical guitar originated in accidents.

  • Am I the only one who has been playing almost a year and doesn't understand one thing he is talking about?

  • The Hendrix barre chord technique is awesome. I am beginner but it is comparatively easy for me to use all 6 strings.

  • Jimmy Page uses that moving open chords up trick in Babe I’m Gonna Leave You and it sounds really cool

  • When I first came across the ”Dave Matthews chords”, about 6 years ago, I instantly fell in love. They’re still with me today.

  • That Hendrix chord though….. been playing 25 plus years, I am of a decent standard, can barre easily of course, but have never been able to effectively use the Hendrix/Knopfler/Wilko Johnson barre method…..ill keep tryin, but usually this style favours players with big hands and fingers IMO

  • For the shifting up open chords, the D chord shape is worth mentioning, like in Old Man by Neil Young or Over the Hills and Far Away by Led. Zeppelin.

  • For the C chord shapes up the next (trick 6), do it on the F root too, on 8th fret. So, open C, D at 5th, F at 8th, then G at 10th. This happens near the end of Taylor by Jack Johnson.

  • There were only I think two on that list that actually sounded like things I could do. The rest are beyond me. Number 3 was sooo Gilmore!!!!


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