Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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7 Guitar Hacks All Guitarists Should Know

Welcome to the ultimate guide for guitarists hacks! In this video, I share my 40 years of experience in playing and teaching the guitar, unveiling the seven most powerful guitar hacks that every guitarist should know.

Here’s a quick overview of the hacks covered:
1. The CAGED System: Unlock the fretboard and play chords in various positions effortlessly.
2. Springboards: Navigate the fretboard with precision using key reference points.
3. Adjacent String Trick: Learn how to leverage octaves for seamless transitions across strings.
4. Zig Zag Method: Easily locate the 1-4-5 chords in any key for popular progressions.
5. Major Scale/Number System: Understand diatonic harmony and chord progressions across genres.
6. Finding the Tonic: Become a musical detective and quickly identify the key of any song.
7. Bar Chords: Master the versatility of playing chords beyond the open position.

Each hack is a game-changer, providing valuable insights into fretboard navigation, chord progression mastery, and unlocking the secrets of playing by ear. For a detailed breakdown of each hack, check the description for timestamps and additional resources.

Dive into the world of guitar mastery and elevate your playing to new heights! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell for more insightful guitar lessons. Let’s embark on this musical journey

Check my blog for more Guitar related content:

My Gift to You: The 36 Most Important Step-by-step guitar lessons that EVERY guitarist needs:


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00:00 Introduction
00:52 Hack #1
01:43 Hack #2
03:08 Hack #3
04:19 Hack #4
06:32 Hack #5
08:23 Hack #6
09:54 Hack #7

#Guitar #Hacks #Guitarists

Originally posted by UCWAuPC_qQWYFvCoM5kkL7Jg at

10 thoughts on “7 Guitar Hacks All Guitarists Should Know

  • hey sage, picked up acoustic 4 or 5 yrs ago. did the self taught route and all the bad technics, like not using a pick. i remember watghing you teach ain't talkin bout love by van halen, never saw anyone show how to use whammy like that before, and on an sg…so now I've got a Wolfgang wg standard guitar and evh 5150 40 watt amp, had to order some evh pedals and waiting…meanwhile i got your free lessons online and will be joining your pro series, i think that's what it was called soon…just wanted you to know i really enjoy your lessons…working on the alternate picking today,trying to purge these bad technics, by the way i'm 60 yrs young and loving it, thanks.

  • Good man yourself Eric, you covered a ton of music theory there.
    As a teacher i only mention the caged system as these chords C..A..G..E..D are five essential chords for beginners to master.
    For me the biggest and most important thing is 1—4—5–(6)

  • I wish I had been taught this 40 years ago when I started. Tab wasn't even around yet. ???? All beginners should learn the notes and then learn these hacks.

  • I kinda learned "adjacent trick" differently…call it the "2 down, 2 right trick" or a version of octave hopping…goes to 2 down 3 right trick with the silly string like 5th fret tuning lol
    Thanks to "my sharona" for me learning funny lol
    Sometimes struggling thru unconventional learning methods helps better grasp basics, such as fretboard memorization, harmonics vs pentatonic, and unconventional chord voicings

  • Thanks, great tips and information! FYI:This information is not a hack. A hack is using something in a way that it's not designed for. ????


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