Sunday, March 16, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

8 Ways To Make Your Amp & Pedal Tone Not Suck – Easy Amp & Pedal Mods / Settings To Improve Tone

Dagan shows us 8 ways to make your amp and pedal tone not suck. This guitar amp and pedal modification video will help you improve the sound of your guitar amp tone and your pedals sound better, without spending any money – unless of course you want to!

In this video we find out how a good pedal power supply can make a difference best sweetspot settings for amps and how a buffered pedal can improve your tone easily. This is an amp modifcation video for those who need to improve their tone, fast!

0:45 #1 Go easy on the gain! Overdrive instead of Distortion
1:53 #2 Set your pedals up in the ‘correct’ order – read the best pedal order here:
3:21 – Sam’s effects loop tips :
4:23 – #3 Get the right tone for the right situation
5:27 – #4 Invest in a good quality power supply – the benefits of a good quality pedal power supply
6:17 – #5 Volume is everything – Amps sound different at different volumes
7:44 – #6 Start the EQ tone at 12 then go from there – find the sweetspot.
9:05 – #7 Use buffered and true bypass pedals – Find out the difference between true bypass and buffered effects pedals here:
11:30 – #8 Mid-range is important!

Watch 8 tips on improving your guitar tone:

Watch our easy guitar modifications guide:


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Originally posted by UCb5PQHC0CsA48rlI6gefr5A at

44 thoughts on “8 Ways To Make Your Amp & Pedal Tone Not Suck – Easy Amp & Pedal Mods / Settings To Improve Tone

  • A good compressor before OD and another one after filter or autowah really helps. OD always on as a clean boost also helps. Try different OD pedals. EQ at the end helps too. Solid state amp at low volumes will sound better than valve. More BOSS pedals ????

  • So what if an amp has overdrive and distortion? Ex. I have a Vox VT20+ which has 99 presets in total, do I lower the gain on my amp, put it on the overdrive setting, and then add a distortion pedal in front of it?

  • Thanks for these 14 minutes of gorgeous look and useful information????

    To me it was pretty much useful to know that most amps have a passive eq.
    It means that bringing all of the controls to 12 o’clock may not make lows, mids and highs equally loud. Moreover, with a passive eq all of the controls, but “Presence”, are dependent on each other, thus cutting, for example, mids will affect other eq settings.

    And one more important thing to keep in mind is that all of the electronic components have their own tolerances, that’s why exact same pedals or amps may sound ar least a bit different even with all of the knobs put in sonically identical positions.


  • Personally I prefer a gain pedal before a wah or something like that. But then again I think the best way to put this is that all opinions are subjective thanks for the great vids man

  • Yes, experiment in order, but this style seems to work cool. Yes clash of two guitarist can affect overall abilities of one artist. Hum have wondered about blinds and you gave me some food for thought and of course, experimentation.

  • I also think a good tip for distortion pedals is to run them into the FX loop and bypass the pre-amp to get some really different sounds out of your amp.

  • LMFAOOOOOO I never thought about the russell brand thing until you mentioned it. I also don't spend any time in the comments haha… Now I can't unsee it

  • I'm fan Pandora Radio and like deep purple and Jimi Hendrix and blue cheer and Atomic rooster and black sabbath and love organ keyboard and orange amps epiphone sg guitar and Dean v guitar.

  • Absolutely love the vids Dagan. Keep em rolling. Seriously considering getting into some guitar and attempting to learn!

  • I'm sure Hendrix and Page would have sounded way better with true bypass ????

  • I really wish I could afford a nice power supply and I'm just lucky that my cheap power supply is only having issues with one pedal very off and on and mild.

  • Why does my Big Muff sound better in front of my Ibanez Tubescreamer TS-9 from 1999? Also, why does my MXR Phase 95 sound better at the beginning. My order is phaser into wah into fuzz into overdrive into looper into delay into EHX Freeze into Octave pedal. I used to keep my Tubescreamer in front of my Big Muff and what a disaster. When I switched it my tone went from a 4 to an 8

  • @9:59 is exactly why I'm perusing YT in search of wisdom. Definitely too much cable. Thank you! Also, I never knew what "scooped" meant until now. I scoop ice cream, which is awesome, but what's that got to do with my tone?

  • Could you do a series of videos describing the differences between amp models in each brand?

  • I have a Hughes and Ketner 18 combo that sounds shite to me. Would upgrading valves and speaker help? Or just sell it? It has Chinese valves . Thanks so much

  • Why would Boss make all their pedals buffered bypass? Wouldnt that make it harder for people to have all boss pedals in their pedalboards?

  • Oh God is like watching Captain Jack Sparrow teaching us guitar stuff… I love him! ????

  • Where do I put an eq and looper pedal in the chain? Digitech looper screws up the tube sound imho… any thoughts?

  • Great advice. This is what happens with scooped mids: The bass guitar, floor tom, kick bass will eat the low end, and the snare and cymbals will take over the high end. The guitar lives at the midrange.

  • Couple Fuzz Specific Ones
    – Try your fuzz pedal at the start of the pedal chain (and changing their order, particularly either side of buffered pedals). Some fuzz types, particularly Fuzz Faces or Tonebenders (and similar) are impedance sensitive so being directly connected to the guitar can change them a lot, as can what is placed before them. Also, if they're close to the guitar in your chain, you can 'clean up' the fuzz sound using your guitar's volume pot.
    – Try a battery on fuzzes/OD pedals – The battery will drop in voltage as its used up which can change the tone (good + bad!), and the current draw is very low so a 9v battery lasts a while. Can also be good for stopping noise/hiss as Fuzz pedals are often VERY sensitive to power supply noise and daisy chained circuits (especially, if you're not at the stage of buying an expensive supply yet)

  • Don't know if you guys reply on here or not, bit here goes, I'm looking for a guitar to play a range of rock and metal, from Iron maiden to the stones,Beatles,AC/DC,Sabbath all those usually suspects, would you recommend a double humbucker guitar or a HSH for more versatility? Thanks.


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