Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

9 Practice Amps To Avoid

Today I’m checking out 9 practice amps that I think you should avoid. These are some of the worst guitar amps I’ve tried, although to be fair not all of them are horrible. A couple made the list for other reasons.
I hope you enjoy and have some use of this video.

Check out the full reviews of these amps:
Blackstar ID Core:
Line 6 Catalyst:
Fender Champion 50XL:
Marshall Code 50 (first of the videos):
Peavey Vypyr X1:
Orange Crush 20RT:
Yamaha THR30II:
Behringer HA10G:
Fender Frontman 20G:

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0:00 Why?
1:00 Amp 1
4:05 Amp 2
6:42 Amp 3
10:05 Amp 4
12:42 Amp 5
14:15 Amp 6
16:52 Amp 7
20:10 Amp 8
21:48 Amp 9

#Practice #Amps #Avoid

Originally posted by UCvlPdKSXxjPAQ2jwYgKEJ-A at

44 thoughts on “9 Practice Amps To Avoid

  • I just bought new cheap electric guitar and an amp the vox mini go 10 .. i don't know anything about amp tho

  • I bought the Blackstar core 40 and it’s a fantastic studio amp for checking out new guitars , even for vocals , I’ve had the 10w for a long time,

  • Anyone that bags the older Yam THR series amps is quite simply talking shit. Once you’ve learned how to tweak them they are fantastic, and extremely versatile. 10 c in particular.

  • A long time ago, when I was still in middle school, a succession of truly awful solid state amps led to me quit playing.It wasnt until I came across an all tube Peavy Classic( the first blonde tweed version), and very soon after a Fender Princeton at 19, that I got serious and became a lifelong player.
    Should probably give some credit to the Green Rhino and Russian Big Muff as well.

  • I bought a Peavey Vyper X1 and I absolutely hate it. I'd love to get rid of it, but I can't find anyone who'll take it. I also got the basic Sanpera pedal that's total junk. It really bummed me out because I've had other peavey products that I liked. I'm old school, I want clean, distortion and, maybe reverb. That's it, no more. Sadly, no one seems to make just a simple amp that's over 15 watts that I can afford.

  • Interesting and surprising review. I own a CODE25 and a THR 10 II, both are very cool. Suprised that the more powerful versions come short in your review.

  • I guess the youtuber definition of "practice amp" far exceeds what is expected of a practice amp by us mere mortals.
    Didn't he also include the Fender Champion 50XL on his list of "Best Amps Ever"?

  • The THR30II has programmable presets, a built-in rechargeable battery, can work as a Bluetooth speaker , has a dedicated line out, and can accept a Bluetooth pedal to access the programs. In addition to being wireless. Hooked into a PA, it's gig-able.

  • I remember when I bought the CODE. It was a good decision, because no moment in my life would bring me more happiness than the day I sold it. That day I shed tears of joy as the guy who bought it from me carried it away from my window and put it into his car.

  • I won't comment on the Behringer and the Blackstar ID both of which I haven't tried, but among the handful of these amps that I have tried, other than the Fender champion, Fender Frontman and some of the settings on the Marshall Code, most of them are not that bad sounding. Again, I think some professional quality players even though they intellectually understand that these are practice amps and not expensive tube amps, still subconsciously expect them to sound like a more expensive amp and they just don't and won't. For practice amps they are ok in my opinion. And as for Orange it's definitely an acquired taste. Only has sounds that work for stoner rock or doom rock. Can't get other good tones out of it in my opinion.

  • No the Marshall code is a good amp especially in the used market for 100-160 USD. You have to dial in the tone, if you can't do that that's on you not the amp

  • As someone who has recently upgraded to THR30ii, I can say that it was worth it. It's not only an amp, improved from the previous model, louder, still you get lot of gain on a low volume, great for practicing, but also for small gigs, as it has a line out and can be plugged into a PA system. Another thing is the speaker, I also use it as a bluetooth speaker, as well as an output speaker for my digital piano. And it beats my Bose Revolve. Very sturdy and with a relay, adds a sense of freedom. I wish the bag is included in price, but I'm happy with it. Still better than Katana

  • The ID core v3 stereo 40 is my second amp ever. I bought it half a year ago and I'm still using it. It might just be me, but I'm very pleased with its performance. It has delay (not the best but still a delay), reverb etc. It sounds very good in my oppinion, I love it's clean tone as well as its distorted one. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I recommend it

  • Thank you Elmo there was a couple I had my eye on but I'll talk your word for it. It's a pain sending something back online. I research everything before I buy. I've only sent four items back.

  • THE ORAnge 20RT is good, but it needs a damned 10" or 12" speaker, those 8" do nothing well. ( And an FXloop)

  • Man it's CRAZY how bad that Fender Champion 50xl sounds. I have their Champion 40 and love that amp. Bought it mainly for the clean tones Fenders are known for, but that little practice amp sounds so good even for heavier stuff I rarely use my other gear like my Marshall when I'm just jamming at home. Cool video brother. Love your gear reviews.

  • Coincidentally I have a Peavey Vypyr 100 2×12 and it does the exact same resonance thing. The amp and cabinet is cheap quality but the speakers are decent, they seem to work ok with other amps.

  • Catalyst is boring? Nonsense. It's a full-fledged amplifier with a proper speaker, which is quite suitable as a practice amp, cos. it sounds great at bedroom volume and has all bells and whistles of "desktop" amps like usb audio interface, effects etc.. And it's awesome for it's price. What is really boring is that most practice amps that come with tiny flat "hifi/frfr/music" speakers, including the expensive ones. From those I have or had: Yamaha THR and Roland Micro Cube (your holy grail), the Catalyst sounds much better at the same volume (and it can be louder), primarily because of the proper 12" speaker, not only cos. of modeling technology from Helix. I currently have also a 20W tube head with 1×12 cab, but I still play on the Catalyst 90% of the time quietly in the evenings. I used to have a 4×12 and a 100w tube head at my apartment quite a long a time ago when I was young and gigging, and event that is was OK as practice amp if you carefully turn the knob to make it quiet but not silent ???? The term "practice amp" was invented by marketers to sell us junk ????. You can practice unplugged with no amp as well.

  • Thank you for saving the world from all this straight to landfill crap. Say it as you find it! ☺️

  • I had an ID core 10 a few years ago. It sounded proper horrid. Digital buzzing in the headphones. The replacement did exactly the same! I have Black stars. Two are good, the artisan 10 is brilliant.

  • THANK YOU! Someone else that agrees that the Gen 3 Katana price hike isn't justified enough, especially since the bluetooth is not built in.

  • The Yamaha thr(all versions) is/are worth every penny. It really is an amazing practice amp. Not sure what you're talking about.

  • Elmo,

    Always appreciate your reviews and videos.

    Any thoughts 9n the older Peavey Vypyr VIP-2 ?

    I know you thought poor quality on the Peavey X2. Was the Peavey VIP-2 any better?


  • Some people say the red knob fender twin is junk. But the ones I've heard sounded great. If you listen to any Skynyrd from the time Huey Thomasson played with them he used the red knob twin. I tried to find one to go with my other twins but there pretty expensive.

  • Hi Elmo…please check up the new MXR Yngwie Malmsteen Overdrive Pedal. I liked the Fender version.

  • Hey I been playing for like 15 years with a frontman 15g and a 100 watts 212r and they both sound amazing to me, the drive channel it's just awful, but the clean tone is pretty amazing, really good pedal platform too, maybe I have bad ears or something (I heard some low level valve amps from fender and there's nothing there that I can't do with my amps and my pedalboard, I push it with a ts9 and a big muff and it's great)

  • Man, some of those were truly awful… Fender, I'm looking pretty hard at you right now…. The two Fenders were particularly horrible in my opinion. I've owned two Fender amps in the last 6 years. I started with the Mustang LT-25 (small 25 Watt 8" driver modeling amp), which I really liked for jamming in my bedroom and playing with the internal filters and effects. But in the last year I upgraded to the Fender Mustang GTX100 amp, and I must say, I don't think I'll be buying any more amps. This GTX100 I have is all I need and some extra. 100 Watts, a 12" driver, TONS of built in modeling effects and amp sims (plus I've seen a couple expansion updates from Fender since I got it).

    With as much as I've loved my Mustang series amps (the LT-25 and the newer GTX100) it's horribly sad to see Fender was okay with putting their names on those two amps you showed… That 50W Champion XL sounded like complete trash.

    By the way, I love the scalloped frets on the strats you used to test those Fender amps, that's a nice touch I may have to look into.

  • A fender twin is a horrible practice amp!

    Some of these amps seem to be taking advantage of new guitarists! A shame that some of those cost money


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