Enya Nova GO SP1 | The most popular carbon fiber Guitar !
Link: https://www.procraftindia.com/products/enya-nova-go-sp1-black-transacoustic-with-app-connectivity
#Enya #Nova #SP1 #popular #carbon #fiber #Guitar
Originally posted by UClpHBK1v23VV7TyFikJmR1w at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-JomNbZHk8
Bought today, the same one with white touch
Sir, i want to buy this but can you please provide me cash on delivery option???????? i need that pleaseeee my humble request
Всем привет. Заказал эту малышку в Россию. Жду! ❤
Is there a volume control for this guitar?
De qué tamaño es?
Difference bw 12000 hr version and 25000 ruppes version
Both on your site
É uma pena que se for comprar daqui do Brasil sai o triplo do preço ????????????
Can u put pickups in it
i had one question does it pickup percussion sounds from the body if i do that style of playing??
Can it be used as midi
Does the base Enya Nova go have the controller button?
Plz can you suggest me under 1000 i am beginner