Wednesday, October 16, 2024

$100 vs $10000 classical guitar | Cheap vs Expensive sound comparison

$100 vs $10000 guitar – In this video I compare the sound of a cheap and expensive guitar.

0:00 Intro
0:01 Barrios La Catedral
0:50 Bach Gigue Cello Suite 1
1:30 Albeniz Asturias
3:01 Brouwer Danza Caracteristica

Best technique book:
Best etude books:
The interface I use:
My favorite mic:
My computer:
Great mic for the price:
The mic that i’m talking into:
My favorite strings:
Another good set of strings:
My favorite tuner:
Best humidification :
Great guitar for beginners:
A better guitar:
A great guitar case:
Favorite Guitar supports:
My Favorite foot rest:
The sleeve I use:
Cover your guitar:
Favorite music stand:


#$100vs$10000guitar #cheapvsexpensiveguitar #amazonvsproguitar

#classical #guitar #Cheap #Expensive #sound #comparison

Originally posted by UCEOBKKy729-463nuaSYDeJA at

46 thoughts on “$100 vs $10000 classical guitar | Cheap vs Expensive sound comparison

  • Only by this kind of close comparison, sorry… CLONE comparison, the difference in sound is quite noticeable… but with someone like this awesome guy playing… who cares! ???? ????????????

  • A lot of what does into the cost of the guitar is labor, the more expensive instruments (typically) had more time in the hands of a person crafting/finishing/setting them up properly.

  • Lol. Nothing more than the fundamental comes from the cigar box with strings. No overtones. Ok maybe not quite that bad….You could probably do fine with spending as little as $2k (or more). $10k is a bit silly unless someone is buying it for you and you're a well-known, performing musician or you're rich and are willing to part with the coin.

  • It depends on what your doing. If your making a recording then no, it is definitely not worth it. If your playing live, then there is something about the the volume and vibrance that can't be recorded.

  • He makes the cheap guitar sound beautiful …and I could make the expensive guitar sound like a plastic toy ????

  • the resonance is so clear hug gap + the cheapest guitar mute and keep sound inside the body D: and im sure playability on cheapest one not pleasing

  • Pay attention that the quality of the strings can also make a big difference. If you use expensive strings on a cheap Guitar, it would make it sound much much better. And by "expensive" strings I mean something around the same price of the Guitar itself. Like $100 or something. You can also reduce the Action a little which is usually very high in cheap Guitars and it'll help you with getting a better sound.

    Thank you for this video

  • I have been playing the guitar for 26 years, I have come to realization that when you use an instrument with so many variables, with inperfections and different kinds of woods, you never know how it will really sound until you try it, I've had "cheap" guitars and "expensive" guitars, but in the end, the guitar adapts to its owner's liking, that's the beauty of this art, it is not a size fits all.

  • I've thought of making a video like this with my guitars at $60, $600, and $6000 prices. I generally hear the same differences in your music: the cheap guitar is able to play all the same notes (mostly, though there may be a few intonation issues). And so in passages that are single voices without long sustained notes it sounds pretty good.

    But the volume of the notes across the fingerboard is inconsistent. That was ver noticeable on Asturias when you started playing triplets. On one guitar, it had a beautiful two string tremolo–the other was a bit of a dud.

    The other difference I notice has to deal with the soundboard's responsiveness. In my own playing, it means that it is a lot easier to create two voices, control dynamics, play harmonics, and play fast passages like tremolo on my luthier made instrument. Not impossible, but it feels more effortless.

    Not to dissuade someone from getting a smaller budget guitar, because the second point is: you can play anything on a cheap guitar that you can on an expensive guitar.

  • In my own exprience. An expensive acoustic or classical guitar is very overated. All you have to do is find nice strings thats fits best for that guitar. And the feel and sound overal will bring you a long way. In contrast to electric guitars the cheap ones do really suck even with nice strings.

  • Well, the cheap one sounded as to be expected, the expensive one didn't. Definitely not what i would pay 10k for.

  • I always enjoy this kind of testing. I have a 10.000 usd Kenneth Brøgger guitar and several cheaper ones too. Basically it comes down to playability – is the guitar nice to play? And that has nothing to do with price. Secondly, if you play many hours a day, the luthier guitar reveals its secrets in that it responds a LOT better to your playing. You can play loud or low fast or slow, and it will always respond well. On a cheap guitar it's a bit like a car with a too little engine, you squeeze everything out of it all the time.
    My luthier guitar is also completely even in volume over the whole register – no up or down here.
    That said I have found pleasure in all kinds of guitars 🙂

  • why yall surprised by 100 dollar guitar ? Yamaha sold the c40 for that price and it's decent enough

  • It seems to me that the overall feeling is noticeably more "dramatic" in the expensive one. I also think the overall feeling (the "energy" an instrument can help you convey through your performance) is what counts most, and this is obtained through the materials, the design and so on. Then, of course, if we want to be more specific, there can be some differences we can notice: the cheap one has a sort of resonance – maybe around 500-700 Hz – which sometimes sounds more evident. This "distracts the ear" from the feeling of the performance that is going on; and the expensive one has a more stable sustain and volume in the low notes, which gives more solidity to the performance. Also, the expensive one has a sort of "inbuilt reverb" (probably due to a higher care in its design and materials) which creates a sensation of much more spacial deepness in the long notes. This may seem a "detail", but if you pay attention to this aspect in the cheap one, you'll see that the sound seems to come from a "small room" (also due to the resonance I mentioned) – and this is something you can't fix very much through mixing, unless you want to lower the clarity of the direct sound and cover everything with a reverb.

  • This video is so interesting, very well done. There have been sound tests on violins, comparing multi-million dollar Stradivarius to modern violins, and the fact is, in blind sound tests, modern instruments came out ahead of the Strads. I used to sell classical guitars in a shop, and the staff (including me) preferred some student guitars to the Ramirez we were selling.

  • It's all in the recording equipment . A really nice guitar sounds pretty bad recorded with a phone . The live sound would be the most obvious , but you have to have good intonation no matter the equipment unless you have the superior equipment that even corrects being off key .

  • Beta-Cuck-Femguitar boy: Of course! The expensive one has so much more tonal characteristics, life and response to the player!
    Chad-Chadinson Guitar Player: I hear no difference; high priced guitars are……..snake oil

  • i need the price tag placebo tho

    i do think the bottom end of the cheaper one sounds a little bit less full which is pretty obvious w the end of the asturias piece, unless you played the expensive guitar louder subconsciously

  • i would NEVER spend 10k on a guitar when i can get the same quality for 1k…
    of course, i have had hundreds of guitars, so i know what i am talking about.
    i d say above 5k, no guitar EVER can be justified price wise. and even then, you pay for ease of play, for rarest highquality materials and more care to finishes, to the design etc. its not a musical criterion anymore

  • i like the left one's tone more
    it is less clear, but its chamber and sound are CLEARLY superior. the only downside would be the volume and maybe the ease of play. and the base is somewhat dulled, but the price difference is just unjustified. not really a scam, but a bad decision nonetheless

  • Difference Between this two is cheap one sound is bit low than expensive one and another thing expensive guitar sound is more clear than cheap one.


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