Tuesday, December 17, 2024
GuitarGuitar Effects

Recording Grunge Punk Prog with Monakis – Tascam 2400 Demo

➡️➡️ Find out more about the recording and the Tascam 2400 here: https://producelikeapro.com/blog/tascam-2400-live-recording-with-monakis-at-brighton-electric/

➡️➡️ Get the Tascam 2400 here: https://www.sweetwater.sjv.io/xkx0OA

➡️➡️ Download The Multitracks Here: https://producelikeapro.lpages.co/tascam-2400-monakis-form

➡️➡️ Check out Monakis here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGiqpR1RuOg

➡️➡️ Find out more about Josh ‘Hoagie’ Harrison here: https://producelikeapro.com/blog/producing-engineering-at-brighton-electric-josh-harrison-interview/

➡️➡️ Find out more about Brighton Electric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8pKzz7Eoq8&t=46s

➡️➡️ Sign up to the Academy here: https://producelikeapro.com/
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➡️➡️ Today’s Sweetwater Deals: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/XYX4No

❤️My Favorite Plugins:
➡️Waves MV2: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/mv2%23make-tracks-cut-through-the-mix-with-mv2
➡️Waves RBass: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-bass
➡️ MCDSP ANALOG CHANNEL: https://imp.i114863.net/15AdvD
➡️ OEKSOUND SOOTHE 2: https://imp.i114863.net/JrPdM2
➡️ IZOTOPE RX: https://imp.i114863.net/oed6ko
➡️ SOUNDTOYS ECHOBOY: https://imp.i114863.net/BXLdvB
➡️ Warren Huart IR Pack https://lancasteraudio.com/shop/ir-packs/warren-huart-ir-pack/
➡️ Warren Huart Kemper Pack https://lancasteraudio.com/shop/kemper-packs/warren-huart-kemper-pack/
➡️ ANTARES AUTOTUNE: https://imp.i114863.net/x9Zj45
➡️ CELEMONY MELODYNE: https://imp.i114863.net/vnd6J3
➡️ EVENTIDE SPLIT EQ: https://imp.i114863.net/P0RKDj
➡️ Renaissance Vox: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-vox
➡️ Renaissance Compressor: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-compressor

➡️Audient console: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/zNyqLM
➡️Apollo x16: https://u.audio/apollox16-plap
➡️Apollo Twin: https://u.audio/apollotwin-plap

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#Recording #Grunge #Punk #Prog #Monakis #Tascam #Demo

Originally posted by UCpyUGZeMUtOvt57UACw3H2g at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iFgHBNIrtI

27 thoughts on “Recording Grunge Punk Prog with Monakis – Tascam 2400 Demo

  • Wow this is an incredible rundown of this new mixer, and so relevant for recording in general! I have the Model 12, and all of these points are relevant to tracking on that machine too. Eventually i would love to upgrade to this big brother, but i need a bigger studio space first =p

  • I have a couple of questions! Did you print the compression and EQ settings "to tape" on the way in? If you did, what happens EQ wise when you play back the recorded tracks from the DAW? Do you have to bypass the EQs and enable them back before continuing to record (to avoid passing the tracks through the EQ a second time) every time you want to listen to a take?

  • It also has insert points on the first 12 channels, so outboard gear can be easily integrated into the workflow!

  • Genial, Este es el tipo de videos que vengo a buscar cuando quiero ver como trabaja un equipo. Por cierto, solo por poder grabar post Comp/EQ ya vale la pena por sobre el modelo anterior. Colegas, que opinan?.. Trabajo en un estudio de proyecto grabando sencillos y EPs para bandas. Actualmente uso una Xair18 y estoy pensando hacer una mejora. Mis opciones son clarette 8pre + clarette octro pre para conpletar los 16 canales que uso habitualmente o esta 2400 de tascam. Que me recomiendan? Un saludo !

  • Tascam could just have added usb interface on dm 3200 and they would have the perfect product with full daw control. Instead Tascam discontinued it.

  • 44:59
    The perfect reason many that dont track bands…. Many may consider this….Its Analog summing…. For that price, no argument…….
    Personally,. If this was at least 50% more channels, (miss my Alesis Studio 32…) .. Yeh.. Itd be here , right now

  • 8mins in ….. wonderful drum miking tips ….. very generous video …. Brighton electric now on my radar !!!

  • How can I record punk rock on a 2400 when I can't find any available for sale, anywhere.

  • This is essentially a tutorial on how to record and mix bands in a smaller space. Fantastic video.. this 2400 would be on my radar if i didn't have an old Ramsa and invested a lot in I/O conversion. I hope more manufacturers fill this niche. Hands on is such a rewarding way to mix and you make decisions quicker!!! Ive got limited hardware, i can't waste time with 50 plugins.

  • Wowww, this is Wow, I love everything about this video and Am happy hearing Tascam 2400 doing this, because I love Tascam, I have been using Tascam 16×8 and when it got spoiled, I got Tascam Us-4×4, because 16×8 wasn't available that time and I never regret using Tascam Audio Interfaces, I love their analog circuit system, they use transistors and resistors on their Preamp, which makes it rigid and retain that analog feels, compared with others that based on IC (integrated circuit). Well done Mr. Warren. ❤

  • Just ordered one. I am very looking forward to how it performs. 🙂 In fact i love that it Works like a Tape machine in the way it Records internatly. My two 8-Track machines are not working proberly anymore but i looooove that workflow of tape.

  • When you think that my first 8 track set up cost me £2500 and it was basic, the Tascam 2400 represents amazing value with so much versatility. As much as I like recording and mixing on a computer having a mixing consul in front of you is great.

  • Always good these days to hear a band blasting it with guitars and Marshall cabs. Love that edgy sound. Have to say, the interview with the bass player about his rig sounded like a chopped scene from Spinal Tap 🙂


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