VOX amPlug3 Bass headphone amplifier
The Vox amPlug3 Bass is a game-changer for bassists seeking versatility and rich, authentic tones. This model delivers classic bass amp tones with a wide sound range on Channel 1, perfect for various genres, while Channel 2 offers a fat, punchy overdrive for more dynamic playing. The amp includes a compressor, Chorus, Delay, and Reverb, providing a rich sonic experience. Ideal for bassists who seek studio-quality sound in their practice, offering versatility from smooth rhythms to driving bass lines.
For more information on our new VOX amPlug 3, visit: https://www.voxamps.com/product/amplug-3/
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#VOX #amPlug3 #Bass #headphone #amplifier
Originally posted by UCQoWD-xzML48HWmm80Jw8oA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9C_nyUuhNY
Can i play my own music plugged into that and get my song and my bass to beth come through. That would be great to practice my originals with, if it did such a thing.
When is a bluetooth version coming out?
How does this compare to the old amplug 2 bass?
Effects control a bit vague, instruction not that clear, but a bit improvement over vox2
How do you switch between effects ,?, not very clear
2024 and no bluetooth to listen your mobile phones? why ?
Clean channel sounds like a retro video game.
When are these shipping to suppliers?
Would it hurt them to add a small speaker in them too?