Metallica tone – One – guitar cover and amp settings
James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett Metallica tone with Fractal AX8 amp. Used Impulse Responses are downloaded separately, but if you have any, can use factory IR 4×12 RECTO mix_SM57 or similar.
Kirk Hammett clean tone, James Hetfield clean, distortion tone used for both and solo tone for Kirk-s guitar.
Hope you enjoy !
#Metallica #tone #guitar #cover #amp #settings
Originally posted by UCGh_Fu49DaOaaa43LD4VVVQ at
Why are you so out of sync
lets go my friend you are the best 😀 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!