The BEST Radiohead guitar riffs from each album! #radiohead #guitarriff #thomyorke #jonnygreenwood
#Radiohead #guitar #riffs #album #radiohead #guitarriff #thomyorke #jonnygreenwood
Originally posted by UCRU_i3ny_aCyKEHiSTHLJOQ at
Kid A? Optimistic??!?!?!!!(
Do you mean the easiest?
Sweet tone dude
Kid A? Amnesiac?
I don't trust anybody that looks act's and sounds as pretentious and wankery as you
impeccable tone
i was about to say “where’s kid a” then i was like oh yeah about that ????
No they ain't man
Pablo honey-you
The bends- just
Ok computer- airbag
Kid A- everything in its right place (piano riff)
Amnesiac- I might be wrong
Hail to the thief- 2+2=5
In rainbows- jigsaw falling into place or weird fishes
A moon shaped pool- desert island disk
Gd stuff mate, just sayin… What about Kid A and Amnesiac?
"You" doesn't get enough love, outstanding riff
Damn good choices to be fair, respect ????
Keep it up!
Please do blow out I love that song