TECH TIP: Active Bass Output Troubleshooting
Schecter Guitar tech Sergio Vega helps you troubleshoot output problems with your active bass.
#TECH #TIP #Active #Bass #Output #Troubleshooting
Originally posted by UC89UZbgqgn_YiEZqzY2WmRw at
Check the battery cool.
Do you know my bass gave up on me I changed cables fuses in amp still nothing couldn't work it out went on YouTube found you soon as I saw you I had completely forgotten about checking the battery so thank you just shows you sometimes we overthink such a simple and easy fix ????????????????
Dude literally just said to change your batteries ????
Oh just the battery , forget troubleshooting
Just about the least helpful video I've seen in a long time
about as helpful as a chocolate tea pot.
This was stupid. Just make a video saying take it to one of our guys. there 1:30 saved
Not sure why this video is getting so much hate. This dude just concisely listed 4 simple things to check before taking your Bass to the repair shop, contacting the company, or trying more in-depth/expensive fixes . Checking for a loose pot nob did the trick for me. This was the video i needed after checking 4 other videos that were about 15 mins a piece. Thanks!
how to go through all the stuff you already checked AGAIN
This was really mind blowing
This was a very pointless video
This is my first electric bass. The battery probably is the problem.
Jesus really?
This useless video is really from official Schecter? Really?
thank you man …now im smarter then 1:36 seconds before
He said all adjustments should be performed by a professional guitar tech…Proceeds to change battery………s
lol this is an example of Youtube in 2011
Do we really need active pick ups?
Really?? Are you honestly thinking that we bassists are dumb?
checks battery
I have a Schecter Diamond Series BASS…Great instrument, but replacing the battery before a gig sucks