Wednesday, January 29, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Behind the Tone: Crafting the New PRS McCarty III & DMO Pickups | PRS Guitars

Whether you’re looking for a modern or vintage tone, upgrade your sound with our two new pickups; coming to several models in 2025. Meet the DMO and McCarty III pickups!

For more information on these pickups, please visit:

00:00 – Introducing the McCarty III & DMO Pikcups
00:45 – Chuck Lenderking, Product Manager
01:13 – James Zimmers, PTC Manager
01:37 – Assembling a Team, Driven by Development
02:33 – “Can we give our artists a new voice?”
02:58 – Taking Something Old & Making Something New
03:40 – Side By Side Design
04:08 – Paul Demos the McCarty III Pickups
05:55 – Paul Demos the DMO Pickups
07:07 – The Most Important Part Is What You Hear
07:33 – The Components of Pickup Tone
08:36 – The Process of Development
09:57 – Checks & Balances
12:03 – Prioritizing Tight Production Tolerances
12:26 – Which pickup is right for you?
13:08 – Proud of the Team Effort

#Tone #Crafting #PRS #McCarty #III #DMO #Pickups #PRS #Guitars

Originally posted by UC_qOotPwdhn-jU9EeeOxWSA at

49 thoughts on “Behind the Tone: Crafting the New PRS McCarty III & DMO Pickups | PRS Guitars

  • Love your guitars, and I have had several. But the McCarty I got recently is very muddy sounding and I haven't been too happy about the McCarty pickups, which I was very excited about based on all the hype of the vintage sound. This is a core model and I'm guessing something is wrong.. the McCarty reviews are all spectacular, but that hasn't been my experience unfortunately.

  • Mad Respect for the continued pursuit of tone and yes the pickups sound great, but story is very reminiscent of the DGT pickup development and tone. Either Way Bravo!

  • Im. 74 ,at my age,all your vids sound Ike family to me. Proud owner of ace24 semi hollow.And I don’t play dad rock????????❤????????????

  • Surely the McCarty III's will be available eventually to buy on their own? I have a '01 McCarty that needs upgrading with these 🙂

  • Been a strat player for the last 20 years and never been into Les Paul/humbucking guitars, or any other guitar besides the strat… then I played a WoodLibrary 594 a few months ago and it blew me away. Had to buy it.

    It’s the first humbucking guitar that made me re think strats, and its slowly becoming my favorite instrument.

    PRS is the culmination of respecting the past but adding an extremely well taste modernity pinch on their products and it’s just the sum of details over details that won me over.

    If every CEO was as worried as Paul in the products they make, the world would be a better place

  • For a long time I was very unimpressed with PRS guitars. I played a bunch at high end guitar stores like Chicago Music Exchange and they were all dead sounding. Lifeless and numb. I made a friend at a local dealer and told him about my experiences. He was shocked. He handed me 4 guitars. An SE CE, an SE DGT, an S2 McCarty 594, and a core DGT. I was shocked. They all blew me away. I get it now. I will be buying PRS guitars from him forever. They were so good that I would sell every guitar I own for one DGT core.

  • PRS est une très vénérable entreprise bien que je n'aime pas du tout leurs têtes de guitare….mais maintenant elles font partie de leur paysage….
    PRS is a very venerable company although I don't like their guitar heads at all….but now they are part of their landscape….

  • I have quite a few PRS in my arsenal.
    From Modern Eagles to DGT to HB to 594.
    58 / 15LT or TCI I thought they nailed it .
    I get change or moving forward but I love what I have. I'll keep an open mind with
    New pickups. N

  • I don’t know if any other builders out there they put more into research and development than PRS. Their guitars play flawlessly every time no matter which one you pick up. I mean, it may need a slight height adjustment on the strings. I’ve never adjusted the trust ride on my Custom 24 that is 20 years old now. My guitar plays flawlessly,beautifully.

  • What a beautiful sound from both pickups types. And the guitars i have seen are wonderful delight crafted.
    Congrats and thanks to the team to offer another good choice of well crafted guitars and not only that other over priced old brand we all know.
    The passion I feel from Mr Reed makes me feel confident.

  • Just to prod the hornets’ nest. Doesn’t using a guitar with huge chunks of wood cut out as the test mule affect the acoustics of the guitar and therefore the perceived tone?

  • I like how PRS thinks they make pickups better than other brands even though they don’t come close.

  • @PRSguitar is that mean the 85/15 will be all replace by Dmo and 58/15 will be replace by McCarty3?

  • Ive got two custom 24 25th anniversary guitars, and they have 57/08's in, and they are the best guitars I own. They sound amazing.

  • The lighting at 1:37 is… unusual. I can barely see the guitar, and Paul's face is blasted with harsh light for no reason. Appreciate the video, but it's a bit distracting.

  • I love PRS but for a guy who just likes noodle is his bedroom I can't justify the price…

  • Wow! Fantastic presentation! I'm looking forward to purchasing my first McCarty 594, with the McCarty 3's 🙂 Thanks, PRS Team!!

  • So nice to see a PRS video in which all employees speak for themselves – rather than a narrator describing what they do, in the third person.

  • Respect the always go on search for upgrades …
    But to this day my favorite prs pu’s are the 57/08 & the 59/09 .
    To me those are the grail ????????

  • I've played PRS guitars since '96. Since then, I've seen a LOT of change with PRS guitars, pickups, hardware, etc. Specifically, over the past 10 years, the pickups and their naming has been insane. 57/08, 59/09, 85/15, 58/15, 58/15 LT, 58/15 LT+, 58/15 LT TCI…. seems that change just for the sake of change is the way it goes at PRS. Meanwhile, the only pickups that people really want are the DGT's. Anyway, every time I hear about a new pickup from PRS, I play my old McCarty (with original McCarty pickups) or my old Custom 22 (with Dragon I pickups) or even my SC245 (with 245 pickups) and I really couldn't care less about whatever the new thing is. You guys got it right enough times in the past, why keep creating confusion with your customers by replacing perfectly fine pickups over and over? I can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in R&D – replicate the Suhr Thornbucker, put them in every guitar, and stop this madness.

  • Great video and i have a question, I know its not the topic here – But i have heard the relatively new TCI pickups are similar to P-90's… Im hoping this is the case…?


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