Thursday, January 30, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Video Review – Laney Amps Ironheart 120 PG’s Jordan Wagner walks us through his latest review of the Laney Amps Ironheart 120. The video review is a complementary piece to an already existing print review featured in the May 2012 issue of Premier Guitar and can be read online, in its entirety for free, here – .

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#Video #Review #Laney #Amps #Ironheart

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at

27 thoughts on “Video Review – Laney Amps Ironheart 120

  • I hope everybody is laughing with me. Why can't I find a demo of this amp that is about the amp and not the fool messing with it? No upper register riffs, no whole notes to hear the sustain capabilities. Duh, what's a whole note? This must be the sixth or seventh demo I've made the same comment on.

  • Next time get a metal guitarist and maybe a guitar that is geared towards the genre and you might have a decent review. This is shit.

  • This video just goes to show you why you need a metal guitarist to demo metal equipment. I own this amp and it sounds nothing like the video I just watched. It's not at all buzzy like this video suggest, just a bad guitar and the player being a wrong matchup. 

  • Man,,,is that split coils causing the BANJO type sound on the Ibanez>? not good…

  • haha i almost thought he was gonna play "on the backs of angels" on the first one.

  • @NickMercurio
    Why the fuck would someone ask for a "li'l wayne lick" on an amp review? If I wanted to achieve anything guitar related to li'l wayne, I would plug my tissue box/rubber band instrument into a potato.

  • thats a heavy metal amp , although its also really gr8 for clean tones , but still i think someone with a metal background should've done this review , it would've shown what this kickass amp can do

  • if you're going to play 80's metallica dont do it with the mids on 7. Scooped for the classic big 4 sound 🙂 Nice work though.

  • +1

    And With a decent guitar, likee Iommi Custom Shop from Gibson, or Epiphone one, or a Jaydee. Not a shitty Ibanez.

  • Haha, I see that now. I have a program on my PC that changes the amount of blue in my screen, depending on the time of day, so that's probably why it looked green to me!

  • Still waiting for a first demo that does not have comments about the name of the songs that are played or how they are played…

  • The green guitar sounds like shit to my ears 🙁
    Really 'brash' and grating tone on it. Not slating the amp because I know Laney make quality stuff (I have an AOR Pro Tube 100 myself) and I've seen/heard this amp with different guitars and different players and it sounds amazing.

  • ahhhhh my mistake…watched Kirk's instructional vid he made with Guitar World. Missed that…ooooops


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