Mike Exeter STUDIO Tour – Where The Giants Record
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➡️Waves RBass: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-bass
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➡️ Warren Huart IR Pack https://lancasteraudio.com/shop/ir-packs/warren-huart-ir-pack/
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➡️ EVENTIDE SPLIT EQ: https://imp.i114863.net/P0RKDj
➡️ Renaissance Vox: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-vox
➡️ Renaissance Compressor: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-compressor
➡️Audient console: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/zNyqLM
➡️Apollo x16: https://u.audio/apollox16-plap
➡️Apollo Twin: https://u.audio/apollotwin-plap
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#Mike #Exeter #STUDIO #Tour #Giants #Record
Originally posted by UCpyUGZeMUtOvt57UACw3H2g at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcitsE6cODg
Who Is Your Dream Band or Artist To Work With?
➡➡ Check Out Mike Exeter's NEW Mixing Course Here!: https://www.kohleaudiokult.com/courses/orangegoblin
Awesome studio and what a cool guy !!
Re: tuners, the great Jack Endino (Mudhoney, Nirvana, Soundgarden) wrote 20+ years ago about using the same tuner for all guitars and basses, and even better, the same person doing the tuning. It feels like it slows things down but the time saved in trying re-do well played but badly tuned tracks is substantial, I promise! Endino's article "Tuning Nightmares Explained" is on his website and I think is a must read for all musicians, engineers, and producers.
22:56 two of the Johansson Girls followed you ????
Could you use Dante to connect your LIVE Room Audio to your console?
If so you should be able to reduce or almost eliminate the perceived latency with the video sync.
Add a delay in your video via an Extron video device and sync it with your audio.
Dude… the Avalon DO is the best DO I've ever tried for bass, guitars, basically everything that you want to hear everything in HD detail! No rounding of the highs or subs, it's all there in detail!
Hello: Who made the wooden "case" for your S1's and Dock, please?
PS: I've suggested and enforced "phone bans," as well. If the band agrees to it, productivity and overall focus increases dramatically!
I often hear engineers complaining about a nasty hissing whistling sound coming down the mic… though, usually, it turns out to be my singing.
Is Baz a Gypsy from days gone by … ?
So cluttered get a raven you can surely get rid of so much stuff…and the computer behind the back?!
???? Another good one
Great video and nice studio. I'm not a Pro Tools user, I'm an old Cubase guy. My mixer is a Presonus StudioLive 32SC. It's just a little one but it's my input interface. I'm struggling. I want to integrate it as a proper mixer. If i can just use the faders I'll be happy! If anybody knows exactly how to do it and can walk me through the process, that'd be amazing!
Yes! Get rid of the bad fizzy/harsh nastiness on metal guitars. It's not whistling. Sounds like a can of bees. ☹If it's really bad and too much gets removed, waves vitamin can sometimes put something back that wasn't there where it's gone missing (harmonics???),. Some producers actually leave some of the fizz behind. Maybe they can't hear it anymore, lol. Not sure why as it just bonds to cymbals in an unpleasant way for me.
Good timing here as I've been listening to older priest mixes trying to understand what's going on. Thanks. Wish I could visit there one day. Cheers. ????
Drummer play to the camera delay!!????
5:46 Bzzzzzzzz
I love how the live room is stacked with Laney rigs. The Peterstrobe app, iStroboSoft is good too. I like Lexicon PCM80s on mono synths, but there's OTO BAM which I use for that these days. LiquidSonics Seventh Heaven Pro is lovely. But similar, I find myself often on Relab LX480 Dual a lot now. Watching FabFilter now, to see if the bring out an update to Pro-R2 soonish, now that Q4 just dropped.
Great interview and obviously a great course ????????
414 talck back mic????
Very nice, very organic interview, you clicked with Mike so naturally.