IBANEZ IBZ10G Guitar Amp
#IBANEZ #IBZ10G #Guitar #Amp
Originally posted by UCcfv9yuMEzuLIMZqOxEhFww at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8FyKwIpFo0
#IBANEZ #IBZ10G #Guitar #Amp
Originally posted by UCcfv9yuMEzuLIMZqOxEhFww at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8FyKwIpFo0
I have it and i would say this the Most disgusting practice amp ..
This guy is damn good. He could make trashy tones work with the right genre and perfect set of noodling/scales or whatever
Whats te name song western style?
great tone
Купил такой. Шумит. Причем не зависимо от подключения гитары и настроек на самом комбе. Шум постоянный одинаковый шипение с гудением. Не скажу, что очень громкий, но заметно слышемый. Так и должно быть?
RIP pick
Price ..?
Is that good for blackmetal i mean is there enough gain as well as jesus tod song or something trve kvlt
Which guitar are you using?
is it good for metal?
is this bass amp ??
bro as soon as i turn the distortion on, it creates a very bad loud humm and fuzz what do i do
Thanks broo… Because of you i could make a decision
Sounds shit!
ёбаный срач