How to tune a 12 string guitar… #guitar #guitarist #12stringguitar #guitartuning #guitartips
#tune #string #guitar #guitar #guitarist #12stringguitar #guitartuning #guitartips
Originally posted by UCRJgnZxBG7e6xrUeJQ4kuuQ at
Now im curious if a 12 string or a Floyd rose is more annoying to tune
Play a requinto
Trick tune it lower less you have to do
Similar tuning process to a floating bridge, long and arduous
Imagine tunina a 12 string with floyd ????????
I was the 500th liker xd
What if you tune it so that each pair of strings is power chord?
I'm excited to eventually get my 12 string. It's a yamaha one and it's the easiest to play 12 sting I've ever played. I've currently got it in layaway at the pawn shop paying a little on it every month until I can get it out.