Digging Into The Blues Scale
Today I’ll be digging deep into what is contained in the blues scale if you dig a little deeper!
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#Digging #Blues #Scale
Originally posted by UCXjx7gjMcevsabzjbul0Mgg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orvYsrNVi9o
Joe Dorio
Scott Henderson..
Very cool stuff! Thanks
Thank you, Jeff! I really appreciate when you dive into theory instead of focusing on gear. I took a lot of notes and I'm excited to start incorporating these ideas into my playing. Keep up the great work!
Hey Jeff,
Great stuff man. I’m very aware of that flat five on the G string and also where it appears on the A string as well and I use them quite often. While I was ‘kind of’ aware of it on the B string though I honestly haven’t utilized it. I’ll certainly be using it now that you’ve shed some light on it, game changer…not really but this definitely opens up a lot more options! Thanks Jeff ????
PS ~ Love your playing, it’s always a pleasure listening to you man.
What a fantastic video Jeff have a great day also have fun at NAMM also last night was my friend birthday which was January 14th
Thanks so much for sharing, Jeff. I always enjoy your playing and insights. Have a great time at NAMM. I hope you don't catch the dreaded. Cheers!
Sometimes you come across something that that is so familiar but yet blows your mind because it sounds so different and was there all the time. Thanks
This was great, thank you! Do you have a spec for nut height? I like < 20 thou above 1st fret, but the unwound strings can make nasty noises if you push it too far.