Friday, February 21, 2025

Drop A MEANEST Guitar Riffs EVER

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On this episode, we check out the meanest guitar riffs tuned to Drop A from bands like Slipknot, Suicide Silence, Abominable Putridity, Grind Gang, Whitechapel, Nile, Peelingflesh, Impending Doom, and Snuffed On Sight.

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Shoutout to my patreons:
– SalsaSwift
– Christoph Ehinger
– cardnial_caesar
– Stephan Boy
– Luis Navarrete
– AtheerHussein1
– Luke

Shoutout to my YouTube Members:
– Life on 18 Wheelz
– Pablo Rodríguez
– Jake
– Dante
– Rowanexen
– Aetheric
– Fleshsuitman
– Hisdudeness
– Ponto
– pudim5342
– Tntheaven
– Alex H
– Sam Brockmann

#guitarriffsbattle #metal #guitar #jojoplaysmusic #music #metalguitar #metalmusic #modernmetal #metalcore #heavymetal #deathcore #hardcore #slipknot #numetal #slam

#Drop #MEANEST #Guitar #Riffs

Originally posted by UCtwq-WteM_z19HbtvNZbrMg at

41 thoughts on “Drop A MEANEST Guitar Riffs EVER

  • Drop A is perfection. Drop C is mean. Drop G has its moments. But Drop A is literally the best.

  • Before watching even a second of the video I already had the question in my head will there also be a drop B tuning video cause I known most slipknot songs are in drop B (I play guitar myself as well for over 16 years already that's how I know) can't help it slipknot was my first real favourite band as they say "once a maggot always a maggot xD" but then he starts off with "The heretic anthem" amazing xD >>
    "If you're 555, then I'm 666
    If you're 555, I'm 666
    What's it like to be a heretic?"

  • 0:52 psychosocial is so ass anyway the only good part is the breakdown kind of part fr mainstream knot is just not it except for duality and wait and bleed I was never a fan of psycho

  • been watching your vids for a few years now but had to sub and drop a comment for that impending doom inclusion. nailed dead risen is so slept on. slam deathcore ftw.

  • Dude your tone and playing is absolutely top notch, and so is your song picks! Also really appreciate the fact you aren't lazy and don't use the same thumbnails for every vid. Easy subscribe

  • i had a u string but i did not realize it was mid until a year maybe. im dying for another 7 string because my new guitar sounds mid under drop a#

  • It's a shame songs from The Fathomless Mastery by Bloodbath font get more attention. IMO its their magnum opus.

  • Drop A is probably my favorite tuning tied with B. I just don't think you have to tune lower.

    Also, glad to see some Christian representation with Impending Doom. They're deathcore OGs and they are still killing it.

  • 1:47 The kings of deathcore are Oceano. Suicide Silence would respectfully have that title if they didn't change their sound and put out music deathcore fans hated.

  • Conquering Dystopia – Destroyer of Dreams. The very first riff after the intro with the double bass goes so freaking hard.
    I got a 7 string because of that song. I only managed to learn the intro riff tho, been stuck on it ever since, but hey, no regrets even so.

  • Ahhhh the first Drop A songs were from IOWA from Slipknot; just pure raw aggression riffs in that tuning ????????????

  • Favorite drop A riff? Probably Nile's "Unas Slayer of the Gods" or "Eat of the Dead" also Nile…

  • Drop a and a 7 string is what allows you to play ed Sheeran and slaughter to prevail on the same instrument and do a switch within a second

  • Not even 1 carnifex riff is crazy. How do you like somatic defilement but not like “the dieseased and the poisend” or “dead in my arms”.

  • Black metal doesn't feature as much in this series (granted, they usually don't tune that low) but maybe Aosoth's Arrow in Heart or anything by Teitanblood could have been good examples since they're in Drop A

  • no idea how slipknot played the heretic anthem at full speed with the rest of their set, its a wrist burner

  • Organectomy would fit right between your favorite Drop A Deathcore-, Death Metal-, and Slam Riffs.
    The Intro to Third Mutation just goes so hard.


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