How to Practice Hammer-Ons & Pull-Offs (Level 1) #guitarlessons #guitar #guitartutorial
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#Practice #HammerOns #PullOffs #Level #guitarlessons #guitar #guitartutorial
Originally posted by UCWAuPC_qQWYFvCoM5kkL7Jg at
Okay, I am a total beginner, but why is he using a pick to practice hammer ons or pull offs? I thought they were fully capable of generating the notes by themselves.
Do you have more exercises for this technique? Can you kindly point me in that direction if so?
Hey yo! You got my guitar! Give it back!
When i play on higher strings i cant hear the pull of or hammer on please say how to do it
I love your teaching; thank you ????
Why are they essential just pick faster?
Sir how do we hammer in twice in a row ,for example 5H6H7 of string 1
Thank You, Great Advice????????????????????
Great advice at the end. Thank you for sharing your experience knowledge and passion for those of us trying to make music
Thanx 4 sharing yr knowledge!!
Big fan of your guitar playing teaching. Thankyou!
You are golden! Thank you!