Best Overdrive Pedal Shootout – You’re watching the Maxon ultimate overdrive pedal shootout. If you’re looking for overdrive pedal reviews or an overdrive pedal comparison, you’re viewing the right Youtube video. Watch as David J takes you through a lineup of the best overdrive pedals currently available on the market. Over the years, Maxon ( the original manufacturers of Ibanez pedals ) has built the top overdrive pedals, which are used by many popular artists today.
This video may or may not include the following overdrive pedals: overdrive pedal, overdrive distortion, distortion overdrive, overdrive or distortion, overdrive tube, tube overdrive, bass overdrive, overdrive bass, guitar overdrive, overdrive guitar, mxr overdrive, amp overdrive, overdrive amp, best overdrive pedal, wylde overdrive, behringer overdrive, dual overdrive, danelectro overdrive, overdrive effects, overdrive effect, zakk wylde overdrive, tube overdrive pedal, maxon overdrive, overdrive guitar pedal, guitar overdrive pedal, mxr wylde overdrive, dod overdrive 250, fab overdrive, bass overdrive pedal, ibanez overdrive, landgraff overdrive, okko diablo overdrive, overdrive circuit, mxr classic overdrive, guitar overdrive pedals, bass overdrive pedals, behringer tube overdrive, digitech overdrive, fulltone overdrive, dumble overdrive special, danelectro transparent overdrive, danelectro fab overdrive, overdrive vs distortion, distortion vs overdrive, marshall overdrive, mosfet overdrive, ocd overdrive, tc electronic overdrive, cool cat overdrive, behringer vintage overdrive, maxon od808 overdrive, real tube overdrive, mxr overdrive pedal, hardwire tube overdrive, lovepedal overdrive, best bass overdrive, behringer blues overdrive, digitech tube overdrive, hiwatt tube overdrive, behringer bass overdrive, robin trower overdrive, okko overdrive pedal, voodoo lab overdrive, voodoo labs overdrive, washburn blues overdrive, wasabi overdrive, rat overdrive, fulltone ocd overdrive, digitech hardwire overdrive, black ice overdrive, timmy overdrive pedal, pastrami overdrive, catalinbread supercharged overdrive, boutique overdrive pedals, lovepedal, eternity overdrive, digitech bass overdrive, ocd overdrive pedal, carl martin overdrive, danelectro wasabi overdrive, tim overdrive pedal, danelectro pastrami overdrive, fulltone bass overdrive, ethos overdrive schematic, lovepedal kalamazoo overdrive, dumble overdrive reverb, and the expandora overdrive.
#Overdrive #Pedal #Shootout
Originally posted by UCdqxFsLkNH-DbyNk0LCAyEA at
I love my Maxon ST9Pro+ Super Tube !!!
Love the super tube. I have the TB-09 and it's a killer boost pedal
Where would the OD 820 fit in this comparison?
best review ive ever seen. thanks.
So which would you use for solos through an already distorted tube amp playing hard classic rock?….think ACDC with more gain.
Yeah they all look pretty much like my ts9 only it says maxon on the cover instead. I have always been confused by this..
Great demo!
Is maxon made by ibanez?? Cos ibanez ts9? Ibanez 808
I'm wondering if Maxon made the Micro pedals back in the 1990s.
All on! All on! All on!
Haha z wreck
808 seems best balanced of them all.
what cables are you using?
Thank you for this video!
maxon, maxoff
Very good review. One of the best reviews I have seen. I wish he did a comparison between different manufactures.
great job!…although i wish you'd used the PRS for one segment and a strat/tele for another segment, BOTH through a ridiculously clean amp….THEN, both through a pushed amp….very small complaint though…everything was so well done!…
Pro + all day
Great demo, beautifully explained, but a bad decision on your part to have distortion on the amp to start with, you made it harder for the listeners to be able to tell how much of the pedal they're hearing and how much of the amp. OD pedals are demo'd with clean amps, this is common sense! Hope Maxon didn't pay you for it…
You started by saying you set up you amp for a clean sound then admitted that you set it up dirty. Once I heard that, the demo was useless to me. Your amp has way to much color in it to use as a blank palette for comparison. And your guitar choice for a pedal shoot-out is also not very helpful to most guitar players. Waste of time.
Most metal guys are using the OD808. however, some use the OD-9 some use the ST-9 etc… contact us at and they will help you with this.
What's the best one for metal? I play in low tunning like drop a so need a good tight low end
OD808! 😀
I was looking to see if a pedal would help my 6505+ but i can get all these tones with the stock O/D. do anybody know if there is a pedal that gets a creamy O/D like an Orange? I am a drummer first but my son is the main guitarist so I am doing some research so if any of you real guitar guitars have some ideas let me know. Thanks and God bless
i've an old Ibanez SD9 it is the best for me !!!
i want the st9 pro plus supertube so frickin bad
It took me like 30 seconds to realize it was Dave Weiner doing the video!
Now that's what all demos should be like. Great demo. Nothing worse than watching people trying to compare different products by playing different riffs/solos for each.