Jackson Basses – Rock Basses With Attitude!
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???? This week the boys take a look at 5 great rock basses from Jackson! To find out more about the whole Jackson range read our blog here: https://goo.gl/tSrBvk
David Ellefson Concert Bass IV in Quicksilver: https://goo.gl/hA2VtH
David Ellefson Kelly Bird IV Bass Guitar in Red Burst: https://goo.gl/Yjg762
CBXNT Bass V – Snow White: https://goo.gl/91GevK
JS2 Concert Bass in Snow White: https://goo.gl/JCVGDG
JS Series Concert Bass JS3Q in Trans Black: https://goo.gl/oY9jtZ
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#Jackson #Basses #Rock #Basses #Attitude
Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpwKAlTanBA
That domination the real way. Damn
WTF is the mouth piece?!!!! Sounds like some Peter Frampton, an Bon Jovi I believe you closed the episode with…
Bout your thoughts on B.C. Rich Basses?
Ask an you shall receive with you guys?!!!! Watched earlier an mentioned the David Elifson an low an behold….here you are!!!! Thank you bruthren!!! Next question: What's Les Claypool play?
The KellyBird looks awesome but it’s probably the most uncomfortable bass out there.
I just bought a js3vq in cherry burst…cant wait to get that beast !!!
Is the JS3VQ better than the Ibanez RGB305?
im trying to decide i would like the jackson sr3q also would like an ibanez sr300 ..i aleady own 2ibanezes 1 kramer 1 bc rich and 1 aria acoustic all 4 strings. which would you recommend the jackson or the ibanez? i am a finger player!!
Guys, I just purchased my second Jackson. I now have the David Ellefson signature model in 4 string and just purchased the JS2 concert bass. Love Jackson guitars.
I have the black JS3Q Jackson bass and its onenof the finest basses that I ever played and they definitely got more balls than the kelley bird basses . I was planning to get the kelley bird but Im glad I decided to go with the JS3Q bass because it has heavy low end tone and a nice growl to it . I love my Jackson bass and wont gibe it up for nothing. and the feel of the neck is great .
I owned a JS 3 about 8years ago. Loved everything about it except the polyurethane finish on the neck. It would get sticky when my hands were sweaty.
I recently picked up the JS2 and it feels the same but with a nice satin finish on the neck. I don't mind the passive pickups as I don't need to worry about keeping extra batteries with the bass.
The "singing" bit at the end…. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!!
Hey,…what is the "NATURAL" j bass wth the rosewood neck in the background,…if you guys don't mind me asking? I can't read the name of the bass. Looks amazing. : )
Excelent bass player the guy with White shirt
if you are going to test rock/metal basses, get testers that know some decent metal riffs?
domifunk. dime would be proud.
Is it me or do the David Ellefson concert bass and kelly bird sound quite a bit different
That was the funkiest rock i’ve ever heard
Mind blowing,David Ellefson of Megadeth bass series…..I feel bass for me is epic
Holier than thou ????????????????????????
Normally wouldn’t have given these a 2nd lok, but I’m really impressed with the JacksonV string with neck thru body construction. Always been a RIC, Höfner, fender P, J, and Telebass player. But I hear promise in the white one, especially with T-I jazz flats. YEAH BABY. well played by 2 talented and studly human beings! Let’s see more!
These basses are made for distortion i feel clean is cool but the raw metal sound is even better
Please show us the new jackson basses, Minion and Concert series CBXNT
Great opener guys!!! That's what I'm talkin about
These dudes made me wanna play bass again, and a Jackson!