AVE MARIA – Franz Schubert – Full Tutorial with TAB – Fingerstyle Guitar
Scores/tabs https://robertlunn.com
Ave Maria is a beautiful piece of music composed by Franz Schubert. Schubert originally composed the music as part of a collection of seven songs titled, “Ellens dritter Gesang” and is part of his Op. 52. Eventually words from the Roman Catholic prayer, Ave Maria, were added adopting using Schubert’s original melody.
I made this arrangement a while ago and I have played it at weddings as well as funerals. The words in Latin are:
Ave Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena,
Maria, gratia plena,
Ave, Ave, Dominus,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus,
Et benedictus fructus ventris,
Ventris tui, Jesus.
Ave Maria!
Translates as:
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
Mary, full of grace
Mary, full of grace
Hail, Hail, the Lord
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed,
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Thy womb, Jesus.
Hail Mary!
I hope you enjoy this teaching video. For more videos like this please visit my guitar school found at my website.
Guitar school: https://robertlunn.com/robs-guitar-school
Scores/tabs https://robertlunn.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5aKYmbkmasr13WK1XSFhNh
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#avemaria #schubert #fingerstyleguitar
#AVE #MARIA #Franz #Schubert #Full #Tutorial #TAB #Fingerstyle #Guitar
Originally posted by UCaCnSHin8NF_bU6osGBSOrQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9arqx-QNm4
Not a good rendition. Lots of void between notes leaving emptiness. Needs more chordal melody.
Bravo Robert et merci pour ce bien bel arrangement que je viens juste de découvrir ! Superbe.
Божественная музыка. Это гитара в руках профессионала браво маэстро.
troppa pubblicita non si riesce piu a vedere un video
Good job.
But as you mentioned, this is your personal arrangement of the song. There are other tutorials with the original melody.
Cómo compro la tablatura por favor
This piece of music was sent down to us from God himself!
Dear Robert, I am that 72 years old man, who did not play guitar seriously for about 50 years, and who was crazzy enough to learn this song from you. Today, after 3 months, I DID IT!!!
Thanks, thanks, thanks!!! And I will contenue with others from you, Beatles Yesterday is next. Oh, how much I thank you!!!
¡Muy bonito! This is a classical guitar right? Thanks.
You are making me sound so much better than I am. lol. Thxs
You don't know by instinct shifting from the 7th fret to 10 th fret for instance. How can you make the shift from 7th to 12th frets swiftly? You can not count the frets while playing obviously. So is there a shortcut way to make the correct shifts between frets?
Musica divina
Per me, che cerco di imparare da sola, è dura, ma ce la sto per fare . Grazie, è un sogno che si avvera.
Getting into guitar after 10 years of pause. Chose this song to master it as my first song.
Thanks for the video, its great!
I have searched all over YouTube for another version, but I confess that your version is the most complete and easiest to perform.
Brilliant. Im an instant fan. Your a good teacher!
This arrangement of yours is very interesting, I'm going to try to play it on my guitar this Christmas. Thank you for sharing the Tab of such a beautiful song.
Very good video, thank you!
God Bless
Perfect performance, perfect lesson..Thank you so much~
It seem like a simplified version, but in reality is arranged by the Maestro Lunn for better listening of the voicing of the melody. It touches my soul evry single note while I am learning.
Bonjour, pourrais je, juste avoir cette tablature? Merci
Superb. Thank you for doing this! I think Ich Habe Genug or some other Bach cantata piece would be an excellent choice for your guitar skills.
So patient and crystal clear. I didn´t know there were such long compositions thoroughly explained here on youtube. I´m neither religious nor a guitar professional, but this is so beautiful that I´ve just learned the first half and hope to be able to go for the second one next sunday. Many many thanks and have a wonderful day!
It doesn't make sense to step from a half barre to a full one at 4:22. You only have to hit the 6th string. It makes it a lot harder to do a barre instead of just fretting the E string at the 2nd fret. ????
Parabéns ficou ótima sua explicação, e ficou perfeita sua interpretação linda demais ????????????????????
Hail Mary!
Such a beautiful song and an amazing arrangement, Robert! Thank you????
Fingerpicking for me began with learning Iron & Wine songs. I’ve always considered myself an absolute amateur that can play difficult songs. I build houses for a living at 33, and I’m glad guitar is something I’ve continued to enjoy. Thank you, music.
Thank you so much!!
Hello Robert, 15:54 tabs 0657 you play open A 657..Which one?