Try A Really Short Delay! #shorts
Ever tried a really short delay? Shorter than slapback?
It’s a great way to fatten your tone and punch out of a mix.
#Short #Delay #shorts
Originally posted by UCnUXq8mGmoHt0e6ItuTs10w at
it is actually quite a similar effect to doubling and splitting guitar tracks with L/R panning. When its so short, it almost emulates the human error of 2 guitarists playing to each others time, which is essentially the whole point of the L/R pan trick. Definitely useful info!
I fell in love with this technique when I first discovered it.
Short delays can cross into reverb territory.
Add some modulation to the short delay and you've got a pseudo double tracked effect. I use the phased delay setting on my Empress Echosystem for this!
Sounds like a small room reverb, the best is a dual delay with 2 short delays with low feedback, slightly over driven, HUGE sound
Really short delay to make it sound like I'm in a jam hall/small bar without any delay.
But also a smidge of actual reverb to give the room movement.
That's MY confort food.
that delay was way more appreciable than my delay in the night
This is my secret to sounding bigger in solos in my three piece. Let the looper continue the riff then hit my Delay and overdrive for solos.
Yeah I used to do short delay a lot to get the verb slab back feeling & long delay…and loops with delay which I'd then play over so you get push pull rhythmic pattern.
dotted eighth is the ultimate delay
Jesus! Ethan Hawke rocks!
i do this with a memory boy to mimic jimmy page's echoplex tone. he kicked it on for a lot of solos, set to double the guitar rather than have a long echo time
Isn't "slapback" delay sthe same? they used since the 50s, some amps even onboard (some tape system) . Mistery Train by Scotty Moore -Elvis for instance..later the Dead Kennedys too
I've always uses the short delay instead of reverb. Just sounds warmer and more natural
Nails that recorded-in-the-bathroom tone.
Less is more
Stop the overdubbing, audio dialog ADR and the idiotic background blur nonsense! Tired of this garbage on YouTube.
Alex Lifeson pioneered the short delay coupled with a Leslie. Really made it sound like a symphony of guitars playing at once
Short delay is just turning your amp sound into the same sound but inside a parking garage
To be honest that’s the only way I use delay any other way I don’t like delay
What would be the difference between a short delay and a reverb?
Isn't that what chorus is?
Isn't this just slapback delay?